image garden to print simple CD label.


This new (to me) My Image Garden app is driving me up the wall. My old Canon printer came with a nice, easy to use, CD Label Print app. This enabled me to select a background image for my disc label, put some text on it (adjusting colours, font size, position and orientation) and print it.


I have just spent over half an hour failing to achieve the same results with My Image Garden. After a lot of digging, I finally discovered I need to click on New Art and choose Disc Label. Not intuitive, Canon -  how about a menu item called Create Disc Label?


I was then presented with a window asking me to Select Theme and Main People. I don't want a theme and there are no people in my image. Never mind. I persevered and chose a theme at random. This gave me two small image areas that I didn't want (and couldn't move or delete), plus three text boxes that I couldn't move.


I then discovered the Layout button. That gave me more choices. I chose a blank layout with just text boxes then tried (and failed) to select the desired image as Background. The Background button gave me the option to choose a pattern, single colour or photo. Unfortunately, when I clicked on the Photo button nothing happened other than the appearance of a tick on the left edge of the button. Clicking OK did not give me the option to choose a photo.


At last, I found another layout that had a single image area covering the entire disc face. I chose this one and, as if by magic, the desired image appeared, covering the full disc face. I still couldn't find a way to change the image or move it but at least it was there and I remain unsure as to how the program decided which image to use.


I then typed the required text into one of the text boxes. I was able to set the colour but when I adjusted the font size to what I wanted, the text no longer fitted into the box. I have, as yet, been unable to find a way to change the size or position of the text box, or to delete the other two text boxes that I don't want (although setting the text to a single space rendered them invisible).


Canon, this is one of the most aweful pieces of software it has ever been my misfortune to use (and I am a software developer myself). It is unintuitive, it seems to make the erroneous assumption that everyone wants to use one of your pre-defined disc label layouts and I cannot find a way to design my own layout.


If anyone can advise how to resize, move (and, ideally, bend into an arc) an existing text box, I would be very grateful. Alternatively, if I could just have CD Label Print back (despite its many flaws), that would at least be an improvement.



Hi Wrterman,


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My printer is an ip7250, but my query isn't printer-specific. It's, about the "My Image Garden" software that came with the printer. I never got as far as trying to print a disc label .

I thought I had found a way round the problem. I designed a complete label image using a proper graphics package ( I then created a new disc label in My Image Garden using my label image to cover the whole disc face. I set each if the three text boxes in my layout to a string of spaces (still cannot find a way to delete a text box) and clicked Print. A printer settings dialog appeared. I didn't need to make any changes so I clicked print again. After a short pause, I got the Windows message "My Image Garden has stopped working". I selected the diagnostic option, which revealed "Unhandled .net framework exception occurred in cnmigmain.exe
at 12336".

I am beginning to feel that My Image Garden isn't fit for purpose. I am left with no viable way to print a DVD label, which was one of the main criteria in my decision to purchase this printer.

I also had the same "Non Intuitive" experience with Image Garden. The program has a lot of features, but forces you to use their selections. WE WANT TO MAKE OUR OWN SELECTIONS!!!
My Epson "Print CD" allows me to enter and adjust any picture I want.
Like you, I was able to finally get my DVD label printed on the disc, without their "text box". It wasn't easy! I think I hit "delete" or "escape" to disable the text box.
Now, my problem is minor. I want to have my DVD label print to the edge of the DVD, without any white border. I was able to specify the "Print diameters" with Epson's program, but Image Garden doesn't seem to have those adjustments. It should be put in "Advanced Settings".

I found something that works a little more like a Windows program should.
Try the "Canon Easy-PhotoPrint EX" in the "software" section of the Drivers Page for your printer.
In the program, I had to go to the menu item "Edit", "Change Layout". select "layout 007", then select the text boxes and press delete key to erase them.
To get your photo go trough the torturous "Select Image" feature.
I sure wish the colors weren't messed up on my Epson!!!

Actually, I never did get my label to print. I got it to the point where it looked right on screen but if I try to print it, the My Image Garden app crashes. I've tried this several times on two different computers and it crashes every time. I have submitted a formal bug report to Canon.

Thanks for the suggestion. I shall certainly check it out. I thought I'd found a solution. has a print to printable disc option. Unfortunately, it failed to scale the image to fit. Worse, it tried to print those parts of the image that fell outside the disc area and within the hole in the middle. I therefore spent the next 10 minutes cleaning the excess ink off the disc tray. Ho hum.

Many years ago, I wrote my own photo manipulator program. If I could suss out how to select disc tray as the paper source I might seriously consider adding disc printing to that. I think I'll try your suggestion first, though.



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