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error msg after downloading pics to pc

I transferred photos from a canon camera and after which i clicked on the image, it says that "To make a JPEG copy of this photo that you can edit with photo gallery, Click Make Copy." and then the picture doesn't show up. Afterwards if I click on the exit sign, it reads, "Photo Gallery can't open this photo or video. The file format is not supported, or you do't have the latest updates to photo gallery. While downloading, I can see the pictures. But when it is finished and try to click on any of them, it will not show up. How can I save the pictures to my pc? I use windows, I downloaded the pictures thru card reader in my laptop as well as I tried via USB but both produced same results.


Sounds like you shot in RAW which makes files ending in .CR2. To see them you need to install the correct software from Canon or many other 3rd party apps. Have you installed Canon's Digital Photo Professional (DPP) from the disc that came with your camera? You may also search for the right version of Faststone Image Viewer (a free program) to work with your operating system.

"A skill is developed through constant practice with a passion to improve, not bought."

It was just my sister in law's camera that I am trying to import photos from. I don't have any of those programs. Do you recommend any that's free and safe on the web that I can download to convert the pictures?thank you for your reply.


Hi Pangchina!

So that the Community can help you better, we will need to know the computer operating system you're using (Windows XP/Vista/7/8 or Mac 10.x). Any error messages or other details you'd like to give will also help the Community better understand your issue.

Thanks and have a great day!

Apple includes the Camera RAW support directly in the operating system -- opening photos (even RAW formats) generally "just works" using any Apple software. They do this because they have several different apps that need to be able to open photos so it's easier to include the functionality once (at the OS level) rather than have to re-write the support for each individual app.

On Windows, however... RAW support isn't just included, but Microsoft does offer an optional (free) download called the "Microsoft Camera Codec Pack". See:

RAW is more of a concept than a specific format. Each camera actually has a slightly different RAW format. This means that depending on which camera your sister-in-law happens to own, this may or may not support that camera. The last update to it was July of 2013. As I scan the list of supported models, the only camera I can see which is NOT on the list is the 70D (but that's the newest Canon model so it's probably just a matter of time before they add that one too.)

Most people on Windows don't need to install this because Windows users generally install a photo processing app that already maintains RAW support for various cameras... for example Adobe Lightroom, Photoshop, or Photoshop Elements gets RAW support from Adobe. But those programs are not free (Photoshop Elements is generally less than $100).

Hope this helps. Good luck!
Tim Campbell
5D III, 5D IV, 60Da

"A skill is developed through constant practice with a passion to improve, not bought."

I recently reformatted my pc, I have windows 7, toshiba. I will surely try your suggestions. Thank you very much for the reply.

Thank u very much! I will try this too!