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Why No CanonFilm or Medium Format Cameras?


I've wondered why Canon got completely out of the film business, and has never looked back.  I have also wondered why is it that Canon doesn't offer a medium format DSLR camera.   I can guess about the film question, not enought being sold to support the product.  But I don't really see why they don't offer a medium format DSLRs.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."


@Waddizzle wrote:

I've wondered why Canon got completely out of the film business, and has never looked back.  I have also wondered why is it that Canon doesn't offer a medium format DSLR camera.   I can guess about the film question, not enought being sold to support the product.  But I don't really see why they don't offer a medium format DSLRs.

Canon just officially discontinued the EOS 1V this year. So, it wasn't very long ago that Canon did have a film camera.


As for medium format, that would mean an entirely new lens line, to what end? Lenses like the EF 85mm f/1.2 already give a razor thin depth of field. Wide angle landscape work in a digital world where you can photostich any width image? 


I'm hopeful someone will start building a speedbooster for medium format lenses on mirrorless fullframe bodies. That will really cover the MF price gap nicely, and give old medium format lenses some new life, too.

I'm a cinematographer in Chicago using mostly Canon gear. I also founded MKE Production Rental in Milwaukee.