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New Adobe LR Tool, Texture, Can Break Presets


Everyone who uses Adobe Lightroom you need to check your Presets.  The new tool has broken a couple of settings.


The title says it all.  Adobe has added a new slider to Lightroom Classic named Texture.  It is similar to Clarity, but far more subtle and selective when use with Gradient Filters.  It is a great tool for cleaning skin tones.


Adobe inserted the new Texture slider just above the Clarity slider.  So far, so good.  But, they swapped the next two sliders, Vibrance and Dehaze.  Instead of Vibrance coming after Clarity, the new order is Texture, Clarity, Dehaze, and Vibrance.


My default Import preset added 5 clicks to Clarity and Vibrance.  With the new button order, it now adds 5 clicks to Clarity and Dehaze.  No adjustment is made to Vibrance, which is sitting where Dehaze used to be.


I do not know if a similar tool has been added to PS, but it would be a fair guess that they have, or are about to do so.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

@Waddizzle wrote:

Everyone who uses Adobe Lightroom you need to check your Presets.  The new tool has broken a couple of settings.


The title says it all.  Adobe has added a new slider to Lightroom Classic named Texture.  It is similar to Clarity, but far more subtle and selective when use with Gradient Filters.  It is a great tool for cleaning skin tones.


Adobe inserted the new Texture slider just above the Clarity slider.  So far, so good.  But, they swapped the next two sliders, Vibrance and Dehaze.  Instead of Vibrance coming after Clarity, the new order is Texture, Clarity, Dehaze, and Vibrance.


My default Import preset added 5 clicks to Clarity and Vibrance.  With the new button order, it now adds 5 clicks to Clarity and Dehaze.  No adjustment is made to Vibrance, which is sitting where Dehaze used to be.


I do not know if a similar tool has been added to PS, but it would be a fair guess that they have, or are about to do so.

So you're saying that the user-specified presets are remembered as clicks on certain positions on the screen, not as changes to specific parameters? Frankly, I can't remember ever encountering a piece of software that handled settings in such a primitive manner. If I have, it was a very long time ago.


BTW. doesn't this discussion belong in the "Software" subsection of the forum?

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA

@RobertTheFat wrote:

@Waddizzle wrote:

Everyone who uses Adobe Lightroom you need to check your Presets.  The new tool has broken a couple of settings.


So you're saying that the user-specified presets are remembered as clicks on certain positions on the screen, not as changes to specific parameters? Frankly, I can't remember ever encountering a piece of software that handled settings in such a primitive manner. If I have, it was a very long time ago.


BTW. doesn't this discussion belong in the "Software" subsection of the forum?

I do not think that they are remembered as button positions.  But, [XML] metadata is stored in a sequential format.  Every button is identical, but the metadata describes its’ appearance and behavior.  Metadata describes the screen appearance.


i think they swapped a couple of buttons in the User Display metadata, and failed to notice that in existing Presets [XML] metadata the Dehaze and Vibrance buttons are not swapped.  They have made a major mistake.


[EDIT]. I posted in this forum because it is not Canon software related.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."




Adobe updated LR Classic over the last 24 hours, and seem to have corrected the error that I described above.  But, they have introduced a new wrinkle into existing presets.  


My Impport preset no longer adds Dehaze.  I am back to adding 5 clicks to Vibrance and Clarity.  But now, it also adds 5 clicks of the Texture tool, too.  I do not know how my preset would do that because it was defined before Texture existed.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."