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Junk camera brushes


What has happend to the camera brush market? Most of what I am seeing is cheap China junk with plastic bristles. Where can you get a good brush nowadays?


Go to your local store that sells women's beauty products, there you should find a variety of brushes that are made for applying makeup. These are usually brushes with high quality, soft bristles, excellent for cleaning lenses etc.

@Ray-uk wrote:
Go to your local store that sells women's beauty products, there you should find a variety of brushes that are made for applying makeup. These are usually brushes with high quality, soft bristles, excellent for cleaning lenses etc.

I suppose, but the coats that animals wear can be oily, particularly if the animal is designed to spend time in the water. (Why do you think water rolls off a duck's back?) And since a lot of women's makeup products are oil-based, there's little incentive for the manufacturers of makeup brushes to ensure that the bristles are oil-free.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA

Might be worth visiting a good Art supply company.

"A skill is developed through constant practice with a passion to improve, not bought."

@cicopo wrote:

Might be worth visiting a good Art supply company.

You might encounter animal hair again.  You might find a "sanitary" brush at a restaurant supply store, or one of those places that sell chef knick knacks.  My son is a chef, and he has some tiny brushes.  I have no idea what he uses them for.  Easter Eggs?

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

RobertThe Fat wrote


I suppose, but the coats that animals wear can be oily, particularly if the animal is designed to spend time in the water. (Why do you think water rolls off a duck's back?)



I don't know where you live but all of the ducks in this country have feathers !


I do know that I have been using an assortment of these make-up brushes for years and have never had an oil problem.


@Ray-uk wrote:

RobertThe Fat wrote


I suppose, but the coats that animals wear can be oily, particularly if the animal is designed to spend time in the water. (Why do you think water rolls off a duck's back?)



I don't know where you live but all of the ducks in this country have feathers !


I do know that I have been using an assortment of these make-up brushes for years and have never had an oil problem.


LOL. I'm sorry, but that is funny.  Hairy ducks?  I missed that.  My son, the executive chef, carries around what I could only describe as something similar to an oversized fishing tackle box, with knives and other kitchen tools in it.  He has a set of brushes in it.  Let me ask where he got them from, how he cleans them, not to mention what he uses them for.  My guess would be pastries.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

Okay, my son on the West Coast tells me that he uses his smallest brushes to CLEAN his stuff.  Taa  Daa.  Who would have guessed it?  He has stiff and soft brushes.  He cleans them the same way one would wash dishes, with a soap and water wash, followed by a rinse and then a dip into a bleach sanitizing bath.


The details on what he cleans with brushes isn't relevant to the discussion, but suffice to say that he uses them to clean stuff that he uses to clean and maintain his cooking tools and gear.  For example, he brushes off his sharpening stones, and rasps.  He brushes away stuff in the cracks of kitchen gadgets like stand mixers and other gadgets.  He's concerned about creating scratches, too.


He said that he usually buys brushes at art stores, but was looking for some softer brushes.  When I asked about makeup brushes, I think his head exploded because he didn't say anything for a few seconds, only to say, "Wow."

"Enjoying photography since 1972."