Is CanoScan 8400F scanner compatible with Mac OS 10.9.2 (Mavericks)?


Is CanoScan 8400F scanner compatible with Mac OS 10.9.2 (Mavericks)?



Hi tbrewton,


The CanoScan 8400F is not compatible with the Mac OS X 10.9.2 (Mavericks) operating system; for a listing of our current model scanners that are compatible with the Mac OS X Mavericks operating system, please click on the links below:


Mac OS X Mavericks Compatible Photo Scanners

Mac OS X Mavericks Compatible Film and Negative Scanners


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This is not true.  I've been using my 8400F with Mavericks since it was released.  However, mine was an upgrade from 10.8, so whatever drivers Canon installed when I bought the scanner several years ago continues to work.  And my new Mac Pro that I used Migration Assistant with also works with the scanner.  However, the other Mac Pro that was a clean install can't see the scanner and Canon's site claims there are no drivers.

I have Windows XP and am considering buying a Mac.  The Apple Store rep said I need something compatible with 10.9 Mavericks.  I love  my 8400F and don't want a new one.  Your review gave me hope, but since I am not upgrading from 10.8, do you think my 8400F will not work? 


I have not decided what Mac to buy -- MacBook Pro, iMac or Mac Mini.


