Introduce yourself!


I thought this would be a good thread for everyone to come in and tell a little about yourself, especially as the forum is just getting started.


My name is Michael Andrew, but I go by Michael The Maven. I have been a Canon shooter for almost 10 years now and I LOVE Canon gear. 


I started off primarily as a portrait and wedding photorgapher, after a few years of working as a videographer in the wedding industry in Alabama. For the past 5 years, I have run a free online photography school for beginning Canon shooters and have have produced several Canon training videos, many clips of which can be seen on Youtube. I am intimiately familiar with the following Canon gear:


Canon Rebel XSi

Canon Rebel T1i

Canon Rebel T2i

Canon Rebel T3i

Canon Rebel T4i

Canon 40D

Canon 50D

Canon 60D

Canon 5D

Canon 7D

Canon 5Dii

Canon 5Diii


Canon Speedlite 430, 580 Ex, Exii

Canon Speedlite 600


I look forward to meeting everyone and sharing my knowledge with you if I can help!



141 REPLIES 141

Hi Raj here - I dabble a little bit in all sorts of photography, but more into landscape, close-ups and portraiture. Glad to join up this forum to keep updated on things and obviously to learn from everyone out there. 




Wayne here, hailing in from Sunny South Florida where I operate a production company that specializes in HD video production plus working as contract videographers for a number of local and national new services.


While we don’t use Canon HDSLR’s for video preferring to utilize full size shoulder mounted camcorders we do have a couple of 1D’s for stills and a goodly amount of Canon office products.


With a background in broadcast engineering and television production I can hopefully provide some assistance across the various boards found here.


That stated, now go forth and produce content… 😉



KP from POTN here. I dabble in a lot of things related to computers, cameras, broadcast, and sound. There's almost nothing about photography I don't know about, but I still always manage to learn new things. My professional photography consists of art reproduction.


I also don't use Canon's HDSLR or camcorders for video, and have the most experience with full-size Pannies, also the most important part of video is audio.


We need more educated people behind the shutters.

I acquired an expensive camera so I can hang out in forums, annoy wedding photographers during formals and look down on P&S users... all the while telling people it's the photographer, not the camera.


I'm only here for the swag.


There's swag, right?

Yoohoo another photography forum but I have high hopes for something that would appear to be run by the mother corp.  Name is Sheldon Simpson and I am full time photographer from Canada.  Gear wise I have a multitude of bodies but prefer to stick with the 1 series bodies and I have every version of these from the MKII's.  I have a long list of glass from the 600 f/4 down to the 14mm.  Professionally I stick with commercial work though I will shoot anything that comes my way.  I have a solid list of cients that keep me just busy enough.  Personally I prefer shooting wildlife, hence the 600 and 500 lenses but it seems I don't have enough time to do that these days. 

I'm Jonathan.  Still photos and (DSLR) video shooter from California.  


@savoirferret wrote:

I'm only here for the swag.


There's swag, right?

You didn't get your official Canon red velvet cake yet? They delivered one to me via courier a few hours after I signed up! Smiley Very Happy

Joe from the Boston/Melrose MA area.

Wonder what my friends over at the Canon POTN think about this move by Canon.

My name is Dylan, wedding photographer in Boise.. ( ) 


LOVE Canon.. 


My favorite camera is still my original 5d.. I shoot is more than anything else.. love everything about it (except lack of liveview)


Hi, I am Scott


I am a photo enthusiast, and I have been capturing images since I was a little kid. I think images are a story that can connect generations.  I hope to capture images until my final day on this planet.   My favorite camera is the Canon EOS RT, followed closely by the EOS Élan. I picked those up right after I picked up the original Rebel. This was also the time when I wanted something other than point and shoot cameras that I have had for so long. I was looking at Nikon cameras, but that EOS system was like a Siren song. Then I tried a Rebel out, and it felt right, and logical to me.  Since then, I never looked back.  I went to digital when the 1D Mark II came out. It was the first digital camera that really felt worthy of replacing my RT and I fell in love with the APS-H format. I am now using a 5D Mark III and 7D Mark II, and I am still using my 1D Mark II. I have had a bunch in between my 1D Mark II and 5D Mark III that became hand me downs.  


I do have a wish list for Canon


Another APS-H camera. It would be sweet if Canon popped out a new camera that used the pellicle mirror and the APS-H sensor. I would also want dual CF slots and perhaps wireless connectivity, but definitely have weather sealing. I do many shots in the rain, which is one thing I love about the 1D series. Maybe some sort of blend between the 5D Mark III and 7D. I would like 8 ~10 fps and I am perfectly fine with 18~24mp. 


Hello from Wisconsin!  I've been shooting Canon for about 35 years.  My  first Canon was a Canonflex:  Heavy as a boat anchor and built like a tank (roommate knocked it off the roof of a pickup truck onto asphalt and other than a scuff on the side, no damage - it still works today!). 


My biggest regret with photography is not embracing digital when it first came out.  I really sort of put my camera away for several years.  My wife purchased a D30 when they first hit the market; I only shot a few images with it over the years and she used it like a point and shoot on trips. 


Not sure what sparked it, but I have the fire again in a big way!


I love shooting landscapes and am now working toward becoming a good portrait photographer.




PS.  My screen name is Denny_Crane, because my wife tells me that I sometimes act like I have the same form of "Mad Cow Disease" as Denny Crane from the TV show.
