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Do I get a Canon 7D Mk II or a 70-200 F2.8?


So I have a Canon 70D with a 70-200 F4, I shoot mainly motorsports stuff. I have $3000 to spend and I cant decide on if I should upgrade to either a Canon 7D Mk II (with some accessories) or a 70-200 F2.8. Keep in mind I shoot motorsports mainly.


Thanks for the help!!!!!


Off-topic question for you, Mr. E...


If not disclosing something you want to keep private (your town), where are you at - which zoo is restricting lens lengths?


I'm near Santa Barbara, and last time I went to our zoo no such restictions. Also, nothing on their web site indicating photography restrictions. Would like to look at your Zoo's website to see what, if anything, they state.



There is no mention of gear in the zoo's latest rules and guidlines.

EOS 1D, EOS 1D MK IIn, EOS 1D MK III, EOS 1Ds MK III, EOS 1D MK IV and EOS 1DX and many lenses.