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CanoScan LiDE 220 error > Cannot communicate with scanner Error 2, 156,182



A month ago I bought a scanner the "Canon CanoScan LiDE 220" .
I get this scanner after a month of testing not stable / operational.

I keep getting the following error message :


and also the error 2, 156, 182 Configuration: A. Mobo ASUS X99-A > with the latest Bios Level B. Windows 7 64-Bit C. When connected to a USB 2.0 or 3.0 does not matter. D. Scan Driver is the CanoScan LiDE 220 Scanner Driver v. 1.01 (Windows 8.1 / 8.1 x64 / 8/8 x64 / 7/7 x64 / Vista / Vista64 / XP) File version: 1:01 Release date: April 24, 2015 E. Quick Menu v 2.5.0 (Windows 8.1 / 8.1 x64 / 8/8 x64 / 7/7 x64 / Vista / Vista64 / XP) File version: . 2.5.0 " is used.

Please help me, It's very frustrating when you buy new stuff and it all turns out not to work.


Rob Blankestijn




I am also getting a similar error, except mine is "Code:2,156,182"


If anyone is also getting these errors or if someone on Canon tech support could rectify this, I would really appreciate it. 

I have a new LIDE 220 on Win 8.1 x64.

I have the errors:2,156, 3 (6, 12, 73, 82, 113, 177)


On other forums, some people are recommending changing of the scanner cable.

I tried:

- 12 USB cables of length between 75-150 cm.
- Y cable, with 2 standard A plugs, (HAMA 39748), in order to have more power.
- tried shielded and double shielded cables.

I have the same errors.



The problem on my computer is incompatibility of LIDE with ASMEDIA USB 3.0 driver (I have an ASMEDIA chip on my MB).

I tried all ASMEDIA drivers available (8 versions) - the same errors.

I tried also to uninstall ASMEDIA drivers (to let Windows to use his own Microsoft drivers). It is working several times but, after that, the errors are returning.


My solution:

I did a clean install of Win 8.1 and the scanner is working OK.

I tried also Win 10, build 10130 and it's OK.

It's important to let Windows to instal his own USB drivers (from Microsoft), and not installing any ASMEDIA drivers.


My solution no. 2:


Use a PCI-E USB card with a chipset other than ASMEDIA, like NEC/RENESAS.

I tried with LogiLink PC0054A with Windows default drivers.

All OK. No error.

After installing the PCI card everything is working fine . Thanks to w64Bit. You helped me better than Canon NL. Today you're my heroSmiley Happy


PCI Card


Problem is not fixed even in the newest drivers.. Please Canon Fix this!



Eight months after this thread began, I purchase a new scanner and experience exactly the same problem as discussed here.  I guess I find it hard to believe that CANON haven't sorted this out in 8 months?  


Anyway, I returned my scanner to the store, and obtained a replacement.  Exactly the same problem again.  I wonder if the following is relevant:
My laptop - an HP x360 - has no disc drive, so I installed the software by downloading the file, "win-lide220-1_0-mcd.exe" from this CANON SUPPORT SITE -  (I am in Australia so this would seem correct).  I am using Windows 10 Home on a 63-bit OS.


Your suggestions would be very welcome.  Thank you.  


Canon Error Message.gif


Same problem with my MAC OSX 10.9.5

The scanner is fine until the machine sleeps - then when it wakes up it gives the same message.


It can be fixed by either rebooting the machine or pulling out the USB and reconnecting.

Have tried it on other macs with the same results. Also tried changing the cables.


I'm thinking it may be a power issue - even though it still does it with all USB devices disconnected.


Perhaps a powered USB hub may do it?


Bad performance for CAnon.


My problem **appears** to be fixed by my having:
1. Uninstalled the .exe file "win-lide220-1_0-mcd.exe", which I obtained from what appears to be Canon's support site (

2. Purchased an external CD/DVD reader/writer (as my computer doesn't have one) 

3. Installed the software using the installation disc that came with the scanner.


Time will tell whether the problem really has gone away.


ME too.  Can't Canon fix this?
