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t3i battery dies when camera is off


Twice now I pulled my T3I out of my camera bag turned it on and the battery was dead.  The first time I thought I might of left it on but this time I know for a fact that is was off. I have version 1.0.2 the camera is new I got it may 22 2014. from costco. I did get a new memory card scandisk extreme 32gb 80 mb/s but it was not in the camera this time. Im not sure if it was in the camera the first time Im not even sure if I had the memory card when I first saw this problem. The batteries are real canon batteries they came with the camera I also have the 18-55mm lens that came with the camera this is the lens that was on the camera when this problem showed up.



Hi there, I'm having the same problem. Did you fix the issue, or did you send yours back to Canon?


As said before, things that can make your battery to drain:


  • Lens or bad contact
  • memory card, for example to remove the memory card meanwhile the red lamp is on
  • bad contacts on the battery/camera
  • loose screw in the camera (7D)
  • clock battery
  • GPS on
  • a malfunction battery
  • something else because a lot of people have battery drain problems with their Canon cameras.

I had battery drain on my 1000D. A new firmware helped me.

I'm not sure if this fixed it, but I format the card in the camera now and haven't had the problem sense.



Ok. Thanks. I'll try that















