rebel xt, when take picture through viewfinder never focuses but lcd screen shows in focus

So it appears out of focus all of the time but lcd shows a perfectly focused picture. It is very disorienting. I have replaced lenses with a camera that I know works perfectly and it does it with that lense too. What needs to be replaced??


Read your manual to learn how to set the DIOPTER. It is likely done with a tiny wheel beside the viewfinder but because I don't have that particular camera that's a guess. The diopter is adjusted to allow some of us with less than perfect vision to still shoot without glasses.

"A skill is developed through constant practice with a passion to improve, not bought."

thank you so much, that worked! Smiley Very Happy I was so worried cuz I bought the camera off of someone on craigslist today and just automatically assumed I got screwed

It's a common question & because I have my cameras set for my eyes anyone I hand them too sees a fuzzy view too. I just tell them the camera will get it right even though they can't see it clearly. .

"A skill is developed through constant practice with a passion to improve, not bought."