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problems banding with EOS 5D mk IV


Posterization, sometimes called banding, can be explained by too little information spread too far apart.  Have you done all the latest upgrades to LR and PS?  One thing you must not do if this posterization shows up is hike up the 'clarity' slider.  This makes it worse. Increasing the 'grain' will reduce posterization.


You can also try to increase the color space to AdobeRGB.  Some say that doesn't help but it does. Some shots benefit from it some shots don't.  The color space in what you see is increased even though the color space outside the ability of your monitor is wasted.


Look at your histogram.  It will indicate posterization especially in a processed jpg.  The histogram is an invaluable tool.

EOS 1D, EOS 1D MK IIn, EOS 1D MK III, EOS 1Ds MK III, EOS 1D MK IV and EOS 1DX and many lenses.

"When it is in Library you can see it.  When it goes into develop I really don't see it."


If this is true, it is not an export setting. As you are looking at the photo in LR not after you export it. Right?  

EOS 1D, EOS 1D MK IIn, EOS 1D MK III, EOS 1Ds MK III, EOS 1D MK IV and EOS 1DX and many lenses.

I still see it when I export it out of lightroom and into photoshop.  And I have the latest versions of both LR and PS.  Just to see what would happen,  I used photoshop to open the original raw file I have on my hard drive and it shows up there as well.

@pballaz wrote:

I still see it when I export it out of lightroom and into photoshop.  And I have the latest versions of both LR and PS.  Just to see what would happen,  I used photoshop to open the original raw file I have on my hard drive and it shows up there as well.

Okay, this is one photo.  Does it occur on all photos?  This shot looks like it has been "processed" with sharpening and noise reduction.  It's also highly compressed, so it is hard to judge what it is that you originally captured.  Can you post a small crop of the photo, which is not compressed, that shows the issue?


This was a longer exposure.  Do you have long exposure noise reduction enabled?  I don't shoot with any of that stuff.  High ISO NR is off.  Long exposure NR is off. 

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

"I still see it ..."


OK, the word "still" tells me you are noticing it in LR.  After is not important right now.  One issue at a time, please.  The fact you also see it in PS makes sense since both use the same RAW converter. 

Now first change your color space to AdobeRGB.  Like Mr. says suggests don't do any other process except lens correction perhaps.


Now how does it look?  Not good yet, increase the noise, slightly, in PS.  Now how does it look?

EOS 1D, EOS 1D MK IIn, EOS 1D MK III, EOS 1Ds MK III, EOS 1D MK IV and EOS 1DX and many lenses.

This photo has not been processed at all.  I don't have long exposure noise reduction enabled.  It doesn't occur in all photos and I haven't had this camera for very long.  Most of the photos shot that day at sunset and at night have the issue straight out of the camera.

@pballaz wrote:

This photo has not been processed at all.  I don't have long exposure noise reduction enabled.  It doesn't occur in all photos and I haven't had this camera for very long.  Most of the photos shot that day at sunset and at night have the issue straight out of the camera.

I'm not sure what I'm looking for, because I don't know exactly what the original scene looked like. But just to be sure all bases are covered, have you tried it with a different memory card?

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA

I don't know if you've seen it but i posted the photo earlier in this thread.  It is banding in the sky.  I always shoot on both cards at the same time and it is on both.Photo for Canon Forum, Vincent Thomas Bridge.jpg

@pballaz wrote:

I don't know if you've seen it but i posted the photo earlier in this thread.  It is banding in the sky.  I always shoot on both cards at the same time and it is on both.



That is why it is good to differentiate between posturization, which is what you are experiencing. And banding which is a digital artifact from the camera itself. Banding will either be perfectly horizontal or vertical. Where posturization will follow the the lighting gradient. 


I encourage you to Google - tips to reduce posterization lightroom. There are several good articles on photography techniques on how to avoid posturization to start with. 

I know this is an old post but I am trying to resolve my problem before sending it off. I purchased a used Mk IV a few months ago. Tonight is the first time I took some long exposures of the ISS. I noticed a bad streak, or band that ran horizontally across the whole image when I open the RAW file in LightRoom. I am using Windows 10, current firmware and Lightroom.


I was at ISO 200, 30 sec exposure, F5.6 for most of them. 




