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Wifi issue between R7 and Google Pixels



Since the last update, I can't use the Canon connect app with my Google Pixel 6. Bluetooth connection is OK but I can't use wifi features.

I tried to reset connection, I tried a brand new Pixel 8 and I have the same issue.

I tried with an old Xiaomi and it works.

I think that Google and their uncompromising security policy has broken the Canon wifi connexion.

If I try to connect manually, my phone says "password mismatch".

I'm sure I'm not the only one 😞

Canon, could you please make something for us please ?

Thank you!



Thank you for the tip

I just checked the new firmware and it doesn't work. But they show a message : with some devices, you should use the option WPA-2


I had a heckuva time getting my Pixel to connect without an access point. What finally worked for me was disabling the cell connection on my Pixel while leaving WiFi and Bluetooth on. Specifically, I turn on Airplane Mode, then enable WiFi and Bluetooth. I make sure there is nothing connected on WiFi when I open Canon Connect and start the connection using Bluetooth. If I switch to a function needing WiFi, like "Camera date/time settings" (why it needs WiFi instead of Bluetooth I don't know), it can take up to a minute to connect, but now it works.
