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Why is this happening?




I was shooting a wedding and then my camera started to do this black line through my photos. Its random, shows up both mostly horizontal, but have seen a few vertical ones. Sometimes it will happen and sometimes it will be fine. Anyone seen this before? I cannot figure it out for the life of me. Do you think there is something wrong with my shutter?

My camera hardly has as much use on it. I use my camera around once a year. I am severly upset.

I have a Canon 6D. I also was using 3 different lenses. 






Let's hope it is something other than a failing shutter.  Were you using a flash?  

The 6D cannot compensate for flickering light emitted by fluorescent and solid state lighting, either.  But, I have never seen it look that bad before.  

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

I was using a flash, and the flash as well was causing me issues by not firing in sync with the camera, however would it really cause random lines throughout the images? If it missed fired, I would think the images would just be dark. The last image I shared was actually a miss fire and I jacked up the exposer in lightroom so you can see what it was doing. However, the ring shots, was a fairly nice light room (same room as the other picture just mid-day and not night) and had no issues with miss fires at that point. Also sometimes the flash did not even go off. I couldnt tell you what images those were though. Its not like flash was going off more then once to get the weird lines? Also I would think if it was a a broken shutter, it would be in the same spot every time? It shifts a little bit, but does tend to keep on the bottom. Maybe they are getting stuck?? :[

Anyone know canon's general pricing to get your camera looked at?

Bad shutters tend to be sharper lines.  I suspect that you're having an issue with your flash.  What type of flash is it?  It may not be set properly, or not fully recharged between shots.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

It's just weird because we never really had issues with the flash before like this. I did try flipping through almost every setting, when I was getting really frustrated. I am becoming more and more convinced its the flash. Which is great! a way....I rather it be that then having to get my shutters replaced haha. I can handle getting a new, better flash.

I have an event I am going to next weekend where I can take some really nice pictures outside. It will be my own thing, so I can test things out. If it still does it without the flash, I guess we will have my answer. I will update this thread with what I find out in case someone needs.


I just remembered. 


This was happening for video as well.....


You can view it here:

I had something similar once with my 6d and a 3rd party speedlite. Actually the problem wasn't with either. The flash had slid backwards in the hot shoe, just a fraction of an inch so you wouldn't notice. It was enough to disturb the contact between the pins on the flash and the camera and I was getting dark lines like that. 


I pushed it forward and locked it and it and it went away. 


Canon 5d mk 4, Canon 6D, EF 70-200mm L f/2.8 IS mk2; EF 16-35 f/2.8 L mk. III; Sigma 35mm f/1.4 "Art" EF 100mm f/2.8L Macro; EF 85mm f/1.8; EF 1.4x extender mk. 3; EF 24-105 f/4 L; EF-S 17-55mm f/2.8 IS; 3x Phottix Mitros+ speedlites

Why do so many people say "FER-tographer"? Do they take "fertographs"?

Thats incrediblely frustrating....


Did you know if it cause the line through the video as well?

@ScottyP wrote:

I had something similar once with my 6d and a 3rd party speedlite. Actually the problem wasn't with either. The flash had slid backwards in the hot shoe, just a fraction of an inch so you wouldn't notice. It was enough to disturb the contact between the pins on the flash and the camera and I was getting dark lines like that. 


I pushed it forward and locked it and it and it went away. 

Didn't the flash have a locking slider on the mount?  My Canon 600EX has one, so I would assume other speedlites would, too.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

Mine does. I make sure its tight and doesn't move as well. My other camera friends are telling me thought its most likely not a flash issue if its doing that in the video as well too. (check past post if you had not seen it) 


Its not doing it this morning though?? I can't get it to do it again, which is good, but scares me too....
