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Why are all videos taken on my Cannon Rebel EOS T31 all of a sudden blurry?


I have a Cannon Rebel EOS T3i. I have had it for about 3 months. Everything was okay, but for the last month all the video I have tried to take come out blurry. It wasn't that way before. Does anyone have an idea of what I might have done, or why all the videos are blurry?  Thanks for any help you can give.


Is it out of focus? You need to focus either manually or automatically.
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I have tried that pushing the automatic focus, but the final result is still blurry.


Autofocus on DSLR's for film has been mostly a pipe dream until recently. The feature is there and it can work in some instances where very little movement is occurring but basically, the technologies of autofocus and DSLR video, for whatever reason, are newer in development than your camera (and mine) This simply means that you need to learn to manual focus. This is not too bad for a film maker, because he/she wants to get a great and very specific focus generally (in one situation - near, in another - far.) But if you're filming your granddaughter's birthday party or a football game, you're going to find it quite challenging. The technology is not really for that. Honestly, your salesperson should have informed you of this. Better autofocus is gotten out of camcorders. They bring everything into focus instead, and the depth of field is what a filmmaker would consider boring.
I hope this helps. You can get your $$ out of a DSLR on ebay if you desire to move on.