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Where can I buy a new 5D mark ii ?


I want another new 5D Mark ii but am leary to buy from just any store. Can someone suggest a dealer, store, or website that they know is trustworthy?



New, for cheap?  Hard to fine, best bet is going to be some small company with old stock they want to get rid of.  You can get them on Amazon but they cost as much as a 5d3.  If you're ok with refurbished then you can get them from Canon for around $1700 with 1 year warranty.  But why?  Why not just get a new 6D for the same price?

Thank you for the advise. I had not considered the 6d but I'm going to get more info on it. Thank you again.

@KP4550 wrote:

Thank you for the advise. I had not considered the 6d but I'm going to get more info on it. Thank you again.

THe 6D is basically an updated version of the 5D2.  It got a bad rap because there weren't enough upgrades on it to make the fan boys happy. If you search around you'll find plenty of trash talk on the camera, but a good amount of it was around before the camera was even released.  It still has it's detractors, but many have come around.  There are even some on this forum who were adamant against it and now recommend it as a good buy.  I have one, I think it's a terrific camera.  I would certainly recommend it over a 5d2.


Basically, you get a slightly better sensor (and arguably one of the best sensors Canon currently makes), an equally weak AF system but with a highly sensitive center spot (most of any Canon camera), additions of WiFi and GPS, all for less than the 5D2 cost when it was out.  There are also little differences, like more fps, more AF points,  more DR, etc, but the differences are very small. 


Critics will point out that it comes in a smaller package that doesn't feel as strong and has a few less control options.  Which is fair critique.  Personally I love the slightly smaller size of the 6D, but it's a subjective matter.  And there were a few very small differences, such as a max shutter speed of 1/8000 in the 5d2 compared to 1/4000 for 6D, and max sync speed of 1/200 for 5d2 and 1/180 for 6D.

@Skirball wrote:

New, for cheap?  Hard to fine, best bet is going to be some small company with old stock they want to get rid of.  You can get them on Amazon but they cost as much as a 5d3.  If you're ok with refurbished then you can get them from Canon for around $1700 with 1 year warranty.  But why?  Why not just get a new 6D for the same price?

They were available refurbished directly from Canon for as little as $1,450 a year ago but are, apparently, out of stock since.


The reason you would buy the 5d2 is that it is an extremely well-sorted out camera that has a ton of support for accessories, repair, troubleshooting, and software. Those are all positives in my book. Generally speaking, those products made at the end of an extensive manufacturing run (such as the 5d2 enjoyed) tend to have higher reliability than those made in the initial sales of a newer model. That was a factor for me last summer though with each passing year the 6D has proven itself, IMHO, as reliable.

I am one than prefers the 5D Mk II over the 6D.  The 6D reminds me of a full frame xxD, or even a Rebel.  It is Canon's version of an entry level full frame.

EOS 1D, EOS 1D MK IIn, EOS 1D MK III, EOS 1Ds MK III, EOS 1D MK IV and EOS 1DX and many lenses.

thank you again everyone for the additional information
