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What is the difference between these two Ef 24-105 lenses sold on amazon?



No I don't think you will get ripped off at all...It's still being sold via Amazon with the usual Amazon guarantees.  What you will most likely get is a lens that was part of a kit.  As you know, if you buy a camera and lens together, the price is significantly less.  Many stores and individuals will get the kit then sell the lens and camera separately at a large discount and still turn a profit.  You may not get the original retail box but you should still have the Canon warranty I believe.


I would not hesitate to get it from the cheaper one.

Diverhank's photos on Flickr


It's the same lens, just different sellers.  The higher one is the MSRP, or close to it.  But since they use this lens in a kit it goes for less.  I have no idea who Celltime Inc is, but it's fullfilled by Amazon, so I'd feel reasonably safe.  Just look into their return policy.


With the recent release of the 6D and somewhat recent 5d3, the market is flooded with these lenses from kits; I wouldn't pay more than 800 something for it.  Getting it through Amazon is a bonus over eBay.  If the seller checks out I'd go for it.


Edit: DH beat me to it. 

I didn't push these through my cart to confirm, but don't forget "ships and sold by Amazon" charges sales tax now. The online sales tax free days seems to be coming to an end which is really a big deal for an expensive hobby/business such as photography.

Expensive Lens is probably a stand along lens, comes in it's own canon branded box. Cheap Lens is probably part of a kit and will not come in it's own canon branded box.


Best to confirm with the seller, though, and make sure it's documented.
