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What functions can Camera Connect control on an M100

Rising Star

Can I control ISO ?

Can I control Exposure?

Can I switch between RAW and jpg ?


I know I can focus, shoot and transfer images (jpeg only for some unknown reason).


  What else can I/can't I do from the app ?


Many thanks for any info.   The manual does not have a list of functions available.

I also believe what is available varies from model to model. Here I am asking about an M100.




I don't know if it will help, but along with the manual, there is a help guide:

Thanks, but the Help Guide doesn't spell out the functions available.

@mangurian wrote:

Thanks, but the Help Guide doesn't spell out the functions available.

I assume that you do not own one, yet.


The initial flock of Canon M Series bodies did not even allow for remote shooting.  If the M100 allows for remote shooting then it would not make sense to me to have remote control of firing the shutter, but no control over adjusting exposure.

On the other hand, Canon DSLRs allow for full control over exposure settings when in remote shooting modes. 

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