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Troubleshooting R5 with DC Coupler/Dummy Battery


I have recently gotten my hands on a Tether Tools ONsite Relay DC Coupler/Dummy Battery for my R5, but for some reason when I have it plugged into a wall socket or even a Powerbank I get a "Charge or Change Battery" message. Has anyone else had such a problem before or know any fixes for it?




Welcome, to the forums.

Another new member reported “battery” message with the Tether Tools battery eliminator.  Apparently, the Tether Tools device is not a true DC adapter.  It contains a battery, which is continuously charged.  The problem seemed to be that the camera can drain the battery faster than it can recharge.  I do not recall exactly which camera the other member was using.

I think the Tether Tools may be a poor design because of the inclusion of the battery.  I do not understand what purpose it is to serve.  A DC adapter is supposed to replace the need for a battery, but that is not the case here.

Plug the Tether Tools adapter into a wall socket, but do not install the battery.  Give it a couple, or a few hours, to charge up the internal battery.  Let it go overnight to be sure it is charged, if need be.

Once it should be fully charged, try installing the battery adapter in the camera again.  I would expect the low battery message not to appear.  At least not for an extended session of constant use.

If you can get a refund, I recommend that you do so.  Even the Chinese knockoffs of the Canon AC/DC adapter kits work better than that Tether Tools setup, IMHO.  

BTW, the cheap knockoffs imported from China do not work very well, either.   Bite the bullet and order the Canon setup, even if it is on back order for a few weeks or months.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

@merrit31709 wrote:

Looking for the same issue. Bumped into your thread. Thanks for creating it. Looking forward for solution.

The best solution is to use a Canon adapter.  The Tether Tools design does not work.  This is an issue for Tether Tools to address.  I suggest you get a refund, if possible.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."