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T5i updated firmware 1.1.3 possibly buggy


I knew I should have resisted but I updated my T5i firmware to the latest rev. 1.1.3 and am now noticing intermittent temporary glitches the most recent was having all of the AF points illuminated very brightly more so than when auto focusing and this happened with NO buttons being pressed in "P" mode. I just sat the camera down and when I picked it back up looking through the viewfinder saw them all lit up every one of them and they stayed lit for a few seconds and went off all on there own the 18-135mm STM lens was mounted at the time.
Immediately after the update which by the way went with no issues I got a No card inserted message after the card was inserted and door closed re-inserting it cleared the fault.
Another time I was scrolling through the modes the screen went blank it would not display on the screen as it always does as the mode dial is rotated after about 20 seconds it magically appeared again with no error messages and the power was never cycled OFF.
Prior to the firmware update none of these things have ever happened so I am leaning towards the firmware update being the cause.
So if anyone else has updated their T5i to 1.1.3 and has noticed any issues or glitches please post.

"Cameras don't take pictures, photographers do."

I downloaded the firmware the other day and have not had any problems I will check my camera for the same problems you are having. Thanks for the info.

Checked my camera after posting and everything is working ok with my firmware upgrade.


Great glad to hear that all is well after your update. If you do notice anything different operationally that previous to updating has not occurred, please feel free to post it here. Thanks again for the feedback.


"Cameras don't take pictures, photographers do."