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T5, EOS Utility, Live Shooting


Hi all,
I'm very new to a lot of different features of this camera, but one I'm interested in is live shooting from my laptop. I've updated the firmware on my T5 and downloaded the EOS utility, but all I seem to do on EOS Utility 2 is click "Monitor Folder" and EOS Utility 3 lets me do absolutley nothing.
Is the Rebel T5 too old for live shooting from a Mac? Am I missing something in the way of updates or settings? Please help!



What exactly do you mean by "live shooting"?  If you are trying to create live streaming video with a T5, stop trying.

"Fooling computers since 1972."

No, I screwed up the wording there, I meant the "Remote Shooting" function on the EOS Utility to use my laptopas a second display and remotely adjust focus. When I connect my camera to my Mac the utility starts, but the only option I have is "Monitor Folder". I'm trying to figure out if this is something I can fix or if the T5 just isn't set up for Remote Shooting.

Thanks, for that clarification.  I wasn't sure.


I used to have a T5.  As I recall, I was able to do Remote Shooting with the EOS Utility 2.  Can you post a screen shot of the display that you are seeing.  Also, Canon's Digital Photo Professional 4 software has a provision for remote shooting, too.

"Fooling computers since 1972."

So here I have the EOS Utility up, but the only option available is Monitor Folder. When I tried to used the remote shooting option in Digital Photo Professional 4 this alert popped up.Screen Shot 2020-07-29 at 8.18.32 PM.png

I see two potential problems.  The computer does not appear to be "seeing" your camera.  Make sure that you are using a USB data cable, not a power cable.


Two, the EOS Utility should be closed when you try to start Remote Shooting from DPP.  I suspect that the "not ready" message is trying to say that the EOS Utility is busy performing another task, and is not responding to DPP.  

"Fooling computers since 1972."