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Suddenly fuzzy pictures with R7



I’ve been taking photos enthusiastically for a little over a year now.  I am using EOS R7 and mostly rf 100-400mm and rf 100mm f2.8 macro.  I also have 18-150mm kit lens for landscapes etc.  The last couple of weeks there’s been something off with every picture.  A kind of noisy softness/ blurriness which is there to some extent in every picture.  It is there in every light, ISO setting, shutter speed, with and without stabilization or monopod, any lens.  The images are recorded raw.  Firmware is updated.  The camera and lens look clean and clear and suffered no accidents or weird temperatures.  I’m putting pics into Lightroom with my usual settings.  The only change is that around the time it started I was trying some rented portrait and mind range zoom lenses.  But now I am back to my usual lenses with the same problems.   These example are cropped so the effect looks more pronounced.  After a year I'm pretty used to what the camera can do and it's not right at the moment.  Any idea what is going wrong and what I could do to fix this?

Thank you very much!




Would you mind sharing some raw files with the issues?


These samples are inconclusive.  If you are seeking specific solutions and answers, then you need to provide more detailed info about your photos, shooting conditions, and camera settings.

What are the exposure settings and lens being used?  What are your AF settings, point selection and tracking mode?  One Shot or Servo AF.?   Single Drive Mode or Continuous Drive Mode?  

Posting. JPG files to the forum almost force you to crop the images to fit under the 5MB file size limit.  You can actually post high resolution images by reducing the bit depth of the image files.

Or, you could post RAW files to a public files sharing service such as DropBox, ONneDrive, or Google.

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