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Red Light, Black LCD Screen, and Auto-Focus Issues


Hey guys,


I'm having some trouble here. I'm a Yearbook Teacher, and my kids just started experiencing some problems. I've looked around and done some research, but the issues I'm having are multiple.


This is on one of our Rebel T3i cameras. Here are the issues:


1 - When looking through the eye hole and using auto-focus, it appears very blurry, yet the image itself is actually IN focus. (Not a big deal, but for younger students it is really messing with them)


2 - After taking a picture or two, the LCD will then go to black and our images can't be viewed. The Menu and Info screens won't appear either.


3 - After that, the Red Light in the bottom right corner of the camera will stay on, even after the camera has been off for up to 30+ minutes.


I've tried different batteries, different media cards, different shooting Modes, different lenses, and I keep having the issues.



Can anyone please help?


Thank you in advance!



What version of firmware do you have?


Do you have a clock battery beside the main battery?



H clayharned!


Thanks for the post.


The first issue you are experiencing with the camera is likely a Dioptric Adjustment issue.  There is a very small dial immediately to the side of the viewfinder that adjusts the diopter of the viewfinder for different users' eyesight.  To adjust it, focus on a subject, waiting for the camera to give you confirmation of focus.  Then, turn the small dial in either direction until the image in the viewfinder appears in focus.


The other two issues are not something that should happen at all.  If the LCD goes black, not allowing even the menu to appear when you press the MENU button, or the memory card access light stays on indefinitely regardless of what memory cards you are using, the camera needs repair.


To start the repair process, you'll need to complete a Repair Request on our website.



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I have Firmware 1.0.2 and it's saying an update is required. I'm looking for the correct version now to update.


As far as the second part of your response, I'm a little confused. I have the main battery display on my LCD if that's what you're asking...



Thank you for the reply!


Clay H.


Hey Mike, thanks for the reply!


That small dial took care of the focusing issue - thank you!


I just took a few pictures with our 18-55mm lens, and everything was fine. We switched to our 70-300mm IS Ultrasonic lens, took three pictures, and had the black screen issue again. Only one of the pictures made it to the media card too.


I checked and my Firmware on the camera is 1.0.2 - and that seems to be the latest version for this camera, However, the camera is telling me "Media card containing firmware is required to update"


Is this a Firmware issue, or should I go directly to the Repair Request?



Thanks again!


Clay H.







@clayharned wrote:

Hey Mike, thanks for the reply!


That small dial took care of the focusing issue - thank you!


I just took a few pictures with our 18-55mm lens, and everything was fine. We switched to our 70-300mm IS Ultrasonic lens, took three pictures, and had the black screen issue again. Only one of the pictures made it to the media card too.


I checked and my Firmware on the camera is 1.0.2 - and that seems to be the latest version for this camera, However, the camera is telling me "Media card containing firmware is required to update"


Is this a Firmware issue, or should I go directly to the Repair Request?



Thanks again!


Clay H 

Are you sure the 70-300 actually took the two pictures that didn't make it to the card? Sometimes a long lens will make the camera seem to go dead if you're too close to focus on the subject.


As for the message about the media card, it sounds as though the camera thinks you've asked it to apply a firmware update without the update being present in the prescribed location on the card. If you've already got the latest version (the camera wouldn't know that, of course), you'd need to cancel out of the update and/or reboot the camera.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA



The Firmware item in the menu can be used to update the firmware if there is a firmware update on the card.  Since there is not one, you will receive the "Media card containing firmware is required to update" message.  This is normal.


In any case, the screen going blank is not a firmware related issue.  The camera does need serviced at this point.

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