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Rebel T3 get stuck and the shutter goes crazy




I have a EOS Rebel T3 almost 6 years ago and now I have this problem when I'm taking pictures with day light and a good aperture and speed, but suddenly when I shoot, my camera don't take the picture and it seems like it has a slow speed or keep on the shutter process ... the red light is ON and the only solution to this is turn it off and take out the battery. After that, I can keep taking pictures but inevitably it happens again and again untill the point it goes crazy and I listen how open and close the mirror very fast even if I turn off... then I have to take off the battery so it stops... 


Its not blocked mirror because my camera doesn't have tan function and I don't have magic lattern.


Sorry my broken english.


Time to call Canon or get a new camera.


I recently had the exact same issue you described and just solved it.  My problem with the shutter getting "stuck" when taking a picture using the viewfinder started when I had the camera in live view and accidentally opened the battery door which turned the camera off. The next time I tried to use my camera and was taking pictures using the viewfinder instead of the screen the camera would flip the mirror up, the shutter would close and be stuck there until I would turn it off, at which point the mirror would come back down and the shutter as well. All picture modes resulted in the same issue when using the view finder, and no codes were displayed. However, the camera worked fine if I had it in live view.


The Fix:

I simply repeated what created the problem. Turned the camera on, put it into live mode and opened the battery door. Camera is 100% back to normal. Hope this helps someone else!


