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Rebel T3 - How to improve image quality


 Hello. I was just wondering why does this person's phot look so much more clear than the ones I take? Does his camera have a higher megapixle number? I also feel like I was in focus too. The moose is the one I found the other one is mine of the bird. I used the sigma 150-600 with my canon camera eos rebel t3. Maybe I just need an updade. 

Tell me what y'all think?moose.jpgIMG_6374.jpg



What was the ISO for this image? It was a bit noisy, exposure is a bit dark and how much of a crop?

I ran it through Topaz and removed the noise and bumped the exposure a bit.



Windy City

R3 ~ R5 ~ R6 Mk II ~ R50
Lenses: RF Trinity and others
Adobe and Topaz Suite for post processing

Personal Gallery


It is dangerous to compare an SOOC (straight out of camera) image to a "found" image because the supposedly "better" image could be an altered Frankenstein image. A friend of mine who is a Canon enthusiast produces otherworldly images, but his "image" is 99% of the time a Frankenstein of several images stitched together and then worked over like a Hollywood celebrity and their plastic surgeon. While Topazed (sic), Photoshopped, Lightroomed (sic) images are a person's prerogative, I prefer SOOC and I actually like some noise/grain in black-and-white/monochrome images. Thus, if you had an SOOC image and a friend shot the same subject at the same time with a same/similar lens and there was a radical difference, that would at least be a fair discussion i.e. apples-to-apples. The bird image is a bit dark, but given the hefty telephoto lens camera shake would be another factor to explore as a cause for less than adequate sharpness.

Thank you very much! I will take all of this into consideration.

I'll have to check out Topaz. Thank you so much! ISO was 1600. Now I think I had that way too high, haha. It was sorta dark out and I needed some light, but I see all that noise it introduced into the photo now.


Lee made some valid points, a lot of images are significantly modified in post production. I like Topaz or DXO to reduce noise when I have limited options to reduce noise because of a lack of light. I don't want to give up on the image so I grab the frame and run it through noise reduction. But I will say that he is correct, straight out of the camera is always the goal.

Good luck, keep shooting because it will only get better as you move forward.

Windy City

R3 ~ R5 ~ R6 Mk II ~ R50
Lenses: RF Trinity and others
Adobe and Topaz Suite for post processing

Personal Gallery

Thank you! I am definitely going to get topaz!

Rising Star

First off, a moose is a lot bigger target than a Robin, it may have been a bit easier, but again maybe not.  We would need to see all of you shooting data to really analyze the photo.  At a quick glance, it looks like there could be a little movement in your image.  That could be due to too slow of a shutter speed, or just technique.  Knowing the focal length, shutter speed, aperture and ISO of the shot can really be helpful.  Good post processing and noise reduction can make a picture better, but if you start with a better picture to begin with, it will be even better.

Do you know any discounts for Topaz?

Thank You!
