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Rebel T3 1100 D shutter button is "freezing" or "locking up"


Practicing with my Rebel T3 1100 D outdoors and my shutter button is locking up making the picture impossible to capture.  This is happening intermittently, meaning, I haven't seen a pattern.  Eventually, after turning the camera off and on a few times, I can refocus on another "subject" and capture a shot.


I was wondering what I'm doing wrong.  The manual does not cover this particular problem that I'm having.


A younger friend, he's a nurse who does photography on the side, shot with my T3 last week and he encountered the shutter button "freezing up" or "locking up", so he was unable to take the picture.  He said it shouldn't do that, but isn't familiar with the EOS cameras.  He suspected possibly it's a problem for "warranty" to look at or something set somewhere in the camera that I haven't figured out.  Because, later on, he shot more with it, and then all of a sudden he couldn't get a picture again, he thought it might be an actual camera problem or bug.  Advised me to send back while my warranty is in effect.


You push down on the shutter button, subject comes in focus, then you push down further to capture the shot and the button does not function.  


Please help if you know anything about a shutter button problem with the EOS T3.


Thank you so much for your time.




Yes, thanks.  I have been playing around with the ISO.  My next step is to put them on the computer at various ISO's to see if I can detect any difference on the larger screen. 


Your 7D is leagues above mine:)  Yours is 2.2x less shutter lag when taking a pic, more than 2x faster continuous shooting, 2x faster maximum shutter speed, much longer battery life and the list goes on.  My husband bought my T3.  If I were buying, I would have picked the 7D to begin with for the larger viewfinder alone:)


Thank you again for your experience and help.  Your courtesy is appreciated.  Take care.



Because I don't know exactly what you'll be shooting at that event I'll suggest that getting a slightly noisy photo vs a slightly blurred one due to too slow a shutter speed for the situation (I don't know if there will be people / floats etc in motion) so TEST FIRST. As for the 7D (recently sold) it is a fine camera, especially at today's prices. I shoot high speed action so all of those features were required but last spring I bought a 1D mark lV which really suits my event needs.

"A skill is developed through constant practice with a passion to improve, not bought."