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R6 mk2 train and airplane vehicle detection to R5?


Hello. I'm wondering if the updated vehicle tracking in the R6 mk2 will eventually make its way to the R5 via firmware. Does anyone have any indications or opinions based on the past? Crossing my fingers.


Thank you very much Ata - much appreciated 😉 

You're welcome.🙂

Hey Drew.  I have a few featured on Pexels, but I have no idea how you'd find them.  Their search engine is pretty horrible.  Maybe you can find me on facebook, I've got some posted there (Guy Seela).  I'm not a big social media guy so I'm not even sure how you'd find those lol.  Most of what I have posted were taken with the EOS R and that same lense and without the CP.  I think I lose a stop maybe 1.5 with it.  I've not held the Sport version of that lense, but I've heard it's a heavy **bleep**.  🐵  I had shoulder surgery in February, and it's still a LONG way from being right.  I've taken a tripod with gimble on some shoots out there, and it definitely helps.  There's a R-2508 complex guide out there you can search has a rough map of the MTR.  I often hang out around point Juliet with my scanner which sometimes helps because they (sometimes) announce when they're entering and at what point.  If you hear anything about point Juliet, get ready.  🐵  My town (Ridgecrest) is about an hour away from Panamint Valley out there.  There's a Navy base here (China Lake) and while I was working from home with my shoulder healing, I set up my tripod in the backyard and got a few shots - one is a couple of F18/G electronic warfare Growlers flying nice and tight.  I opened my front door and when I heard them, I'd haul ass outside and hope to get a couple shots.  I'll post those up tonight on FB...they're not great, but meh.  I cropped them to maybe about half size.  I'm hoping this shoulder starts coming's still pretty painful when I reach up and holding that camera up is not a lot of fun right now.  I'm gonna look for your work and visit Dafydd's stuff on Flickr.  If you do get out this way, definitely let me know and it'd be great to hang out and get a private air show.  I think the 3rd session for red flag is scheduled sometime in as you know what out there, but it's fun when the pilot's see you out there and make several passes.  Had a couple of Hornets out of...crap, don't remember now which base...somewhere on the East coast...made several passes right over me as they chased one another around. The lead plane had Lt. Bratton "Whiskers" on it and when I searched him up, he was going to be on the Blue Angels FDT.  His WO was looking right at me in one series.  Coming from the R, the R5 is way better, but I still haven't managed to nail a single shot that's tack sharp out of the camera.  I'm beginning to think I may have a bad lense (jus my luck).  I've even taken static shots on a tripod and still look pretty soft.  I'd love to diagnose whatever the issue is...hoping it's something in the settings.  Ok...blah blah blah....I'll post those pics now on FB.

Hello again...I started a Flickr account and uploaded a bunch there.  Gonna go find you now. 🐵've got some awesome shots there Mr. Naylor!  Love the warbirds - gotta be tough at that shutter speed.  The P-51 on take off (or is it landing?) is just perfect...great sense of motion all the while keeping the plane sharp sharp sharp.  Love it!

Greetings, I corresponded with drew yesterday ( I'm living Latvia.) you can see it in my post. As you said, he has great photos. I started following on social media accounts. By the way, I found your facebook account. There are 3 F/A18 photos about 1 hour ago. I guess this is you. I sent you a friend request. I am interested in aviation and if I have the opportunity, I photograph aircraft at a military base close to my home.🙂

Hi Ata.  Yes, that's me and I added you as a friend.  Is it you with all that hair in the photos?  😁

I also saw a photo of some very large machine - what is that?  It looks like a rocket engine nozzle or the largest lens I've ever seen! Where in Latvia do you live...I will search it on maps.  I imagine with all that's going on around you, the air bases are pretty busy right now.  Do you have aircraft photos posted anywhere?


I need to put my R up for sale.  🐵
