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R5 mode button not working!


Hi  - My nice new R5 has a fault  - a dead Mode button... I have tried two or three suggestions to cure this, but it remains a problem - It is currently stuck on M and I want to load the latest firmware 1.5 (1.4 installed) - I need to select P to do this, someone suggested that it would load with M selected - sadly not for me! - also tried with the "FIR" ended version of the software. I tried holding down the Q button and pressing INFO to get the mode window - regret that didn't work...

Pressing Q + INFO  brings up the general settings window but the M setting at the top left corner has a greyed out background so inoperative - going a bit crazy here... I guess tomorrow I'll call Mr Canon... but if anybody has the answer to this ...I'd be delighted to be proved stupid.

Kind regards _ Don




Hello,  I know this post is old but I just experienced a similar problem.  I could take a picture and the info button worked.  The Q, Menu and preview buttons did not.  This happened twice in less than 24 hours.  It’s never happened before.  The above procedure worked. Well, we did it something like it by accident, but it worked.  I’ve had the camera a few months and it’s never happened before.  The only difference is that I’m use a rental lens; Sigma 60-600.  

Just wondering what causes this electrical build up?  And could it have something to do with the rented lens? Thanks for any insight you have.   Just hoping to avoid it in the future. 
