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R3 and SFTP


Has anyone been able to successfully use the R3 with SFTP?

I've been trying but I can't seem to get it to work with SSH on a MacBook Pro running 13.0.1.

When I tcpdump the connection, I see that it takes my username and is attempting to do a DNS lookup for A or AAAA records against that username, which makes No sense.

I also tried anonymous with No success.



Finally figured this one out and got it working.

1) Unlike the Z9, the R3 doesn't support advanced passwords with special characters, so, I created a separate 'Sharing Only' account named 'anonymous' with the password of 'anonymous' on my MacBook Pro.

2) The R3, also unlike the Z9, uses older 'ssh-rsa' and 'ssh-dsa' authentication types which rely on the less secure SSLv1 algorithms which are now disabled in newer versions of Mac OS.

To fix this, add the following lines to /private/etc/ssh/sshd_config:



Then restart 'Remote Login' under Apple => System Settings => General => Sharing.

After I did all of that, I'm now able to use SFTP to transfer images from both my Z9 and my R3 to my Macbook Pro.

Hopefully this helps someone else out there.


Jay Pike


The same problem i had with my R6 Mark II, but with Ubuntu 23.04.
The algorithms are deprecated (less secure) so it would be great if Canon in the future would do upgrade SFTP connection protocols.

The solution was almost the same as the answer here, but maybe it will help someone in the future.

Create new file canonsftp.conf in the folder /etc/ssh/sshd_config.d/ with this content (two lines):

HostKeyAlgorithms ssh-rsa,ssh-dss
PubkeyAcceptedKeyTypes ssh-rsa,ssh-dss

Then restart sshd service. And then try to connect, for me it works.

You can always look into /var/log/auth.log to see what the problems with SSH authentication you have.
For me the error was like this and the solution above was for this exact problem:

sshd[81819]: Unable to negotiate with port 55518: no matching host key type found. Their offer: ssh-rsa,ssh-dss [preauth]
