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Problem with the shutter speed and aperture range in auto mode (all of them) on Canon 70D


 I am having problems with the shutter speed, aperture range and ISO. On Manual and Bulb mode, all is fine and I can set the shutter speed, aperture range and ISO, but on automatic mode (all of them), shutter speed stuck in a highest range, F-number stuck in a lowest range and ISO show 100 number and I couldn’t alter them, then all of the photos would be taken will be dark and the flash not work too!

An interesting occur happened when I alter the view to live shooting view, all the problems will be fine, but when I switched back again the problem is back too.

I can’t understand where the problem is, but I feel the camera senses a lot of light then decide to raise the shutter speed and F-number!

I want to know if the camera is faulty in some way or if there is something that I should be doing which I am not. Please can anyone advise/inform me of what I may be doing wrong or whether this is something I should take up with Canon?



It is possible that the exposure chip is bad or misaligned. You need to send it in for service.
