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My R5 has a problem with focusing and screen turning blue


I had an issue with my Canon R5 while shooting in a dark room with flash. The camera had trouble focusing, and sometimes when it did, the photo briefly showed a blue tint on the screen before returning to normal color.



What do mode is the camera set to. The AF Assist Beam doesn't work in Servo AF. What lens are you using. This has an impact on the AF system. What speedlite are you using Canon or 3rd Party. If Canon what model speedlite. Also how dark is this room. If it's dark enough the camera body won't emit an LED AF Assist Beam. The speedlite will switch to Intermittent Flash Firing to assist the camera. That's if a speedlite is being used. Then the AF Assist Beam setting is set to "Enable". On the speedlite and the camera body. The speedlite won't help the camera if it's set to LED. Unless the speedlite has an LED AF Assist Beam. The red AF Assist grid that's used for SLRs and DSLRs can't be detected very well by mirrorless cameras. That's why the speedlite uses Intermittent Flash Firing.

Bodies: EOS 5D Mark IV
Lenses: EF Holy Trinity, EF 85mm F/1.8 USM
Speedlites: 420EX, 470EX-AI, 550EX & 600EX II-RT
