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Mirror lock-up in T7?


Hello all,


I've recently gotten back into photography as a hobby after being away from it for a lot of years. I picked up a Rebel T7 2-lens kit (plus I still have a couple of lenses from the past) and have read the manual twice, but still might have missed the answer to my question:


Does the T7 have a mirror lock-up function?


I've been reading a lot of photography books, and they all recommend locking up the mirror when using telephoto to avoid blur from the mirror shaking the camera. I was thinking that maybe the mirror locked up when Live View was being used, but I haven't verified this yet.


Thanks very much.



I don't think it does (don't see anything in the manual either).  However, it is a feature of the T7i.


Camera: EOS 5D IV, EF 50mm f/1.2L, EF 135mm f/2L
Lighting: Profoto Lights & Modifiers

Thanks very much.


There is no mirror lockup on a T7, believe me I'v searched!


i am a new T7 owner and am very dissapointed in the lack of mirror lockup. I recently purchased the T7 kit; with the 75-300 telephoto lens at full zoom if you're taking a picture of the moon you can't use a shutter speed slower than 1/500 without the image being blurred by the camra shake; that's with a tripod and shutter remote. 


I am not a camera expert but I am a computer expert... it seems the feature has nothing to do with the hardware/camera, it's the firmware. It seems it would be a relatively easy feature to add since the mirror lockup feature is on the T7i. 


How about it Canon?

@rrrccc01: I suspected as much. I've been wondering, though, if - when shooting in Live View - if the mirror locks up out of the way. Otherwise, how could the display show the image? If that's the case, the question is, would it stay out of the way when triggering the shutter, or would it drop back down, then back up?

I tested that hoping live view would do the trick, it doesn't Like you said, it drops down and back up. 


I also tried the timer function and again the mirror goes up when the shutter is triggered. 



@rrrccc01: In my brief testing, that's what it felt like to me: down, and back up. Seems kind of silly. Oh well - I've got a 6D on my Xmas list. 🙂

@MacroDave wrote:

@rrrccc01: In my brief testing, that's what it felt like to me: down, and back up. Seems kind of silly. Oh well - I've got a 6D on my Xmas list. 🙂

You might try the different AF point modes, if you have not already.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

@Waddizzle: I think I'm not understanding - how would changing the AF point modes lock up the mirror?

@MacroDave wrote:

@Waddizzle: I think I'm not understanding - how would changing the AF point modes lock up the mirror?

YOu could at least try it.  Let me know what happens.  Good Luck.  



"Enjoying photography since 1972."