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Marks showing up in Photos


I am noticing what appears to be an upside down hook mark showing up in some of my photos, about 3/4 of the way across the photo.  Any suggestions as to what may be causing this? And what I can do to correct this?


I have a Canon EOS Rebel T5 which a few different lenses, so I'm not sure whether its the camera or one of my lenses.


Thanks in advance for any help.



I suggest you use the cleaning function and check out the sensor with a magnifier. I still suspect  a hair. The only way it can be a question mark is if you pointed the camera at a scanning laser that was writing text. In which case, the sensor is damaged and needs to be replaced.


(BTW, nothing on the mirror can end up on the image since the mirror swings out of the way before the image is taken.)

My story didn't end so well. Sent my camera in for repair and Canada Post lost it. Thank goodness for insurance. New camera no more marks. Hopefully you'll find a better resolution to your mark. Best of luck. 

Sounds like you have a solution although not the answer to your first query. However, I am 99% sure it was a hair most likely on the sensor. The fact it appears to be a "question" mark is totally coincidence.


Some advice at no extra charge is, never put anything smaller than a football in the mirror box of a camera, Too many things in there that don't respond well to abuse.

EOS 1D, EOS 1D MK IIn, EOS 1D MK III, EOS 1Ds MK III, EOS 1D MK IV and EOS 1DX and many lenses.

