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M50 combines video files??


After returning from a long hike, I noticed that my SD card had several individual files that were made up of seperate video segments that were hours apart.  Is the camera combining files?  Each segment  was seperated by a audible shutter wav and a momnetary still image, then on to the next segment.  How to I avoid this in future???


That's it! What a diabolical setting! Who would DO THAT?? Just kidding...I'm sure there's a good use for it. I must have bumped the selection wheel while hiking! Thanks to you all for chiming in and helping me learn how to use my camera!!

It does seem like a strange "feature" to include on the M50, doesn't it? I wouldn't have known such a setting existed if I didn't find the same thing on my ELPH 350HS that I adopted from a pawn shop a few months ago. But I had to go to the M50 manual to convince myself that it was so equipped.


Try it out sometime, on purpose. It actually is a pretty easy way to make a quick video of the day's events. But it's not something that I feel is missing from my other cameras.
