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Locked photos


On my mac my photos started to download in locked position. I checked my sim card and that wasn't locked. I check ,y mac info and thats not locked but when you transfer a photo to shutterfly or my phone they are black. So I have to open my photo and unclick the lock button. I take photos at my boys football and hockey games and it ery frustrating when I have to open 300 photos and save as a copy. I had my mac cleaned and they did a back up and its still doing the same thing. Can you help



I drag and drop my photos into a folder on my mac then I download them to shutterfly. When I right click to share my photos out of iphoto they are locked and show up black

my bad it was iphotos its now photos

I think you need a new plug-in from shutterfly. I just tried it with Mail - I don't normally use the share - and it worked fine.


Is your library located on an external drive?

I will try that, How would I know if my library  is locked. Can you explain how I would check

Click on the library and use file->get Info.


2 other common troubleshooting techinques:

Start up the computer in safe mode, does it happen then?


Create a new user account and a new Photos Library. Import a few images. Does the problem still happen?


I don't know that I can troubleshoot this remotely, you might need to take it to the Genius Bar at the Apple Store.

Thank you, We tried apple they had my computer for a week and claimed there was no issue. I will try your idea. Thnak you so much for all your help

I tired everything and spent two hours with apple and they can't solve it either. going to try and bring my camera to a photo store and see if its my camera.


Thank you for trying

