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Lens compatibility with 90D


I was wondering if there were any known issues between the Canon 90D and the 

Canon EF 70-300mm f/4-5.6L IS USM Lens.  I've worked on obtaining sharp focus for about 6000 pictures and cannot accomplish it.  Switch to the new 18-135 Nano and they are tak sharp.  Switch the lens back to my old 70D, tak sharp.  I've tried every setting I could find related to focus. Over exposure is a serious problem too, I'm sending it back to Amazon if there are no known issues.



I was able to get through to Canon's Engering support team to discuss an issue with my Canon 90d. It appears, canon is aware of some bugs with the current firmware version and are working on a release. In my case the camera gets confused about the lens type when I turn on the flash. Canon said they are hoping to release a firmware update soon.

I'm calling them today about my concerns with exposure and focus at 300 with my lens on the 90D

I had to make several calls to the service center and finally found someone who put me through to a manager, who then routed me to an engineer.