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Is there a mirrorless Canon camera with a full frame sensor, GPS, and WiFi?


Is there a mirrorless Canon camera with a full frame sensor, GPS, and WiFi?


@PellixQL wrote:

Thanks, that was a jpeg shot with no PP straight off the card.

That's pretty enormous for even a high-resolution JPEG. But who cares? If I get a picture that good, I don't look at how much space it takes.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA

I thought that was pretty large for a jpg, too.  My raw files from the 1Ds Mk III range from 22 to 28 mb.


I am extremely curious about his camera and lens.  As I said a buddy of mine came back from a safari using one of those, exact same, combos.  The photos are really nice.  Sony has made some pretty decent strides in their lenses.  IMHO, not to the level of most Canon "L" glass but pretty darn good stuff.

I also have another friend that just retired and has decided to pick up photography as a hobby.  He bought the Olympus in spite of my protests to get a 5D Mk III.  I have been following him, too.  He got some high dollar Olympus glass with it.

I don't know who makes Olympus lenses but Sony essentially makes the camera.


I hope the OP doesn't mind but I d/l his, rather large, photo to see what it looked like in PS.  He caught focus on the sweetheart's left eye.  He must have been fairly close as DOF falls off pretty quickly.


It is a great photo and thanks for sharing it.  If you would keep me updated on how you do.  I love 'gears'.

EOS 1D, EOS 1D MK IIn, EOS 1D MK III, EOS 1Ds MK III, EOS 1D MK IV and EOS 1DX and many lenses.