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Horizontal vs portrait

Rising Star

I was taking photos for my website and had camera on tripod, close up setting, pointing down at object. when i checked photos they were in horizontal image, i then had to change battery, removed camera from tripod re atached same way/position and took more photos and when i checked those they were in the portrait/verticle image, I changed no settings put camera in exact same position. why did it change orientation from horizontal to portrait/vertica?



Meter?  You neglected to mention which camera you're talking about.  I'm going to take a wild guess that it is the T6s, which has a built-in level meter.  Do you remember how the camera was oriented when you changed batteries?

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

camera is a t4i camera was upside down when I changed battery


@chief wrote:

I was taking photos for my website and had camera on tripod, close up setting, pointing down at object. when i checked photos they were in horizontal image, i then had to change battery, removed camera from tripod re atached same way/position and took more photos and when i checked those they were in the portrait/verticle image, I changed no settings put camera in exact same position. why did it change orientation from horizontal to portrait/vertica?

It changed orientation from horizontal to portrait/vertical, because it sensed it was in a portrait orientation prior to facing it down. Facing down is neither horizontal nor portrait.


Remember horizontal or portrait is just a switch that doesn't change the resolution of the image.

@chief wrote:

camera is a t4i camera was upside down when I changed battery

How big a deal is it? Don't you get to tell the camera afterwards which way is up? You certainly get to tell the photo editor.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA

it is a big deal I need all images in horizontal orientation for my website, in verticle leaves out some of what I am taking image of.  Bigger issue is why does it change, camera is in same position over the 25 images first two are in horizontal then i changed battery reattached camera in exactly same postion next image is verticle, then 5 in correct horizontal format then the rest verticle  Why? Thanks

understand about resolution but am confused about sensing orientation. What would happen if I am holding camera in horizontal orientation take image then absentmindedly turn camera to verticle while holding camera then bring up to take new image in horizontal does camera then decide ah I think vertical??

@chief wrote:
understand about resolution but am confused about sensing orientation. What would happen if I am holding camera in horizontal orientation take image then absentmindedly turn camera to verticle while holding camera then bring up to take new image in horizontal does camera then decide ah I think vertical??

If the camera has "auto rotate", turn it off.  Does that model allow you to rotate images on the memory card?

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

@chief wrote:

it is a big deal I need all images in horizontal orientation for my website, in verticle leaves out some of what I am taking image of.  Bigger issue is why does it change, camera is in same position over the 25 images first two are in horizontal then i changed battery reattached camera in exactly same postion next image is verticle, then 5 in correct horizontal format then the rest verticle  Why? Thanks

Am I missing something here? The way the camera elects to display the pictures has nothing to do with what it actually saw. So how can anything get "cut off"? When you put the pictures up on your Web site, simply position them in the orientation you intended, rather than the one the camera assumed. or deduced, to be correct.


The camera tries to help you by displaying the pictures in the orientation that reflects how you held the camera. How it does that presumably depends on a combination of hardware and software that is designed to be as accurate as possible but which isn't infallible. If the camera gets some of the pictures wrong, just flip them to the orientation you wanted.


Or are you using a feature that does automatic cropping to a non-standard aspect ratio? Even that can be fixed in post-processing if you shot in raw, but it can be tedious. My advice is to turn the automatic cropping off and do your cropping with an editor. My wife once did a shoot on her 7D2 with auto cropping inadvertently turned on. I fixed the images in post, which wasn't much fun but wasn't a serious problem either.

Philadelphia, Pennsylvania USA

@chief wrote:
understand about resolution but am confused about sensing orientation. What would happen if I am holding camera in horizontal orientation take image then absentmindedly turn camera to verticle while holding camera then bring up to take new image in horizontal does camera then decide ah I think vertical??

No because when the camera is held with the lens parallel to the ground the camera will sense that you turned it back to horizontal. It is only because you turned the lens straight down (neither horizontal or vertical) that it stayed in the vertical orientation. 
