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Help with T1i 500D and Live View

Rising Star

It appears the mirror does come down and up again during/after an exposure when in Live View. Is this normal for this body? If not what is causing it and how can you disable it? If this is how it works - why?        


This is normal. Mirror has to flip up in order for live view to work. Also, I think on the T1i, when you focus the mirror also flip up/down.
Weekend Travelers Blog | Eastern Sierra Fall Color Guide

Thanks for the responce. When I activate LV on my 5D3 then mirror flips up and stays up. Only the shutters move during the actual exposure. Same goes for my 7D. All Canon bodies I have owned worked this way.


I have never owned a Rebel. In LV the mirror fllips down and up during the exposure - every time. It does not stay up. We took the lens off and you can see this happeniong. I'm helping a friend and we looked in the manual and can't figure this out. It does not seem normal.                

Is the main shutter button link with auto focus? If It is, when you press the shutter, it also activates focus thus the mirror will flip. I think the T1i doesn't have quick focus like 7D or 5DMIII. Can you try to activate back focus button to see if the the mirror still flips? I've used this camera a while back and just recall it on top of my head. Hopefully, I remember it correctly 🙂

Weekend Travelers Blog | Eastern Sierra Fall Color Guide

Ok thanks. We will check it out.  
