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Help with R5 tripple back button focus set up


I have my R5 set up for tripple back button focus, full frame eye detection on the AF On button, zone on the * button, but on the AF zone button I can't get it set to spot focus. It will only go to full frame focus.  What am I doing wrong?

Canon R5, 80D. EF 100-400 ii, 1.4 ii TC. RF 800 F/11. RF 24-105 F/4


This will depend on what your camera is set to. Firstly the OF-ON and 'star' buttons have a second level of AF settings when you set them for metering and AF start. The AF point button does not have this additional level, so it uses the currently active AF method. 

What you can do is the following…

  • Set AF-ON to the default metering and AF start, then press info to ensure that AF method is set to fece detection and tracking.
  • Set the 'star' button to metering and AF start, then press the info button to ensure that AF method is set to zone.
  • Set the AF point button to metering and AF start. Then go to the AF menu tab and ensure that the AF method is set to spot AF. 

With this configuration, the first two buttons override the camera set set spot AF point, but the AF point button doesn't so now you'll have the settings you want.

Here's some screens from my EOS R6 which has the same limitation as the EOS R5.

EOS R6 - bif - BBF 2.jpgEOS R6 - bif - BBF 3.jpgEOS R6 - bif - BBF 5.jpg

EOS specialist trainer, photographer and author
-- Note: my spell checker is set for EN-GB, not EN-US --


I tried setting similar camera reconfigurations through custom control programming on my R6 mark II.  I normally would use a custom shooting mode in my DSLRs.  

It was not a good fit for me. I wanted to make more configuration changes than what custom programming could accommodate. That was the minor issue, though. 

I found that while I could make some configuration modifications, I was handcuffed by the fact that I had to maintain the button press. 

in other words, it would probably be great if I had more thumbs, but I don’t. That was my brief experience.  

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

This is great. Just what I needed. Thank you!

Canon R5, 80D. EF 100-400 ii, 1.4 ii TC. RF 800 F/11. RF 24-105 F/4

Well..... I thought I had it figured out with your instructions..... but not quite so.  When I set the AF point selection button to Metering and AF Start, I don't get the AF Menu tab.  Actually, I did once, but it didn't save and when I repeated the process, it would not give me the AF Menu option...?  I'm trying to do this within custom functions, if that matters.

Canon R5, 80D. EF 100-400 ii, 1.4 ii TC. RF 800 F/11. RF 24-105 F/4

Read the book instructions carefully, the AF menu tab I mention for the AF point button is the purple AF menu section and page 1 of them. This is because there is no INFO detail set option for this button. 

EOS specialist trainer, photographer and author
-- Note: my spell checker is set for EN-GB, not EN-US --

Ahh.... got it. All set up now, thanks.  One last question - I have eye detection on the AF On button.  With zone on the star button, I don't see how to turn on eye detection - I only get the zone?

Canon R5, 80D. EF 100-400 ii, 1.4 ii TC. RF 800 F/11. RF 24-105 F/4

On the EOS R5 and R6 (Mk 1) the eye detection only works when Face + Tracking AF is selected, there's no eye detection when 1-point, spot, expansion or zone AF methods are active. 

EOS specialist trainer, photographer and author
-- Note: my spell checker is set for EN-GB, not EN-US --


Hoping for a little more help here. I have managed, with your help, to set up my 3 buttons for wide area, zone and spot - great.  Works great, but when I turn on tracking, which I have to do from the Q menu, it tracks in wide and zone, but while the spot focus box shows up, it no longer focuses (I know ir wont track) If I turn off tracking, all 3 focus methods work, but no tracking on wide and zone? 

Canon R5, 80D. EF 100-400 ii, 1.4 ii TC. RF 800 F/11. RF 24-105 F/4