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Help. Focusing screen replacement Rebel t6i



I’m hoping someone may be able to point me on the right direction. I need to replace my focusing screen in my Rebel t6i. I had some issues while getting it repaired at the beginning of the year and it was scratched and smudged when it came back to me. After a long argument and not wanting to pay more for something I didn’t even cause I just took my camera back with the “broken” focusing screen. I was able to clean it off the best I could to be able to still use my camera for the most part, but I’m hoping someone can help me figure out what focusing screens are compatible with my camera so I can replace it. I’m a bit of a noob with the replacement parts and after trying to google it for a bit (and getting lost lol), I figured it was best to ask for help. If I am not providing enough info, please let me know and I will definitely explain anything in more detail.

thank you all in advance!




Just what screen are you talking about? If it is the one in the mirror box, AFAIK these are not replacable on a rebel.

Honestly I was pretty sure it was called a focusing screen, but I may be wrong. It was just the common term while googling. I’m  talking about the removable (I’m assuming it’s plastic) piece that is towards the top of the camera. I’m adding a photo (not mine, I took it from the canon website) mine looks like this, but I wasn’t sure if all of the cameras used the same piece or if they are fit by model. I’ve seen a few different types when looking them up so I wasn’t sure if they did different things or were for different bodies. Thank you!9BE78BBF-EF91-41FD-9F99-B5A1CC4368F1.jpeg

On some more advanced Canon cameras, the focus screen is easily relacable by the user with a simple tool that is included when you buy a Canon focus screen.


On other cameras like the T6i, it is not designed to be changed by the user, but it is possible if you follow the right procedure.


Canon EOS 600D/650D/700D/750D/760D Focusing Screen Installation Instruction



Mike Sowsun

Thank you Mike! I do know how to remove it already, I’m just trying to buy a replacement for it and want to make sure I am buying one that is compatible with my camera. I’m not sure if they are all alike or if I need a specific one 🙂

The Canon part number is  CY3-1751-000


It appears as thought this same part number is used for the 750D/T6i, 760D/T6s, 800D/T7i and 77D. 


Since you have already proven you have the skill needed to remove and replace this part, just make sure you order the correct one and you should be good to go...



Mike Sowsun

Thank you so much Mike, I really appreciate the help! 

Where would one buy such parts Mike? I have a new T6i but it would be good to know...thanks!

eBay or Canon parts are two places I would buy such a part. 


You can can also google the part number  CY3-1751-000 and see what comes up. 



Mike Sowsun

Thanks Mike I think they removed any link you might have sent but I get the idea
