is my camera faulty


Just bought a second hand canon 1dIIn but its showing a strange patten has any one any thoughts is it faulty? thanks guys.


I also have a 7d and 600d never seen this happen before what lens it is a 300f4 prime with 1.4 ex. Any help thanks. 400iso shutter between 2500-4000 on a very sunny day no clouds. undefinedundefinedundefined



Operator error  Dump the 1.4 extender.  It's ruining your exposure, and curtailing your dynamic range and contrast.  Your shots need some post processing to compensate for the loss of light from the extender.


Remember, the camera is trying to expose everything as neutral gray.  It's totally ignorant of color.  Somethimes you need to over/under expose to get the exposure correct because the camera can, and will, over/under expose some shots to make everything middle gray.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

sorry waddizzle you dont know what your on about. their is a patten in the image exposure has nothing to do with it. I also use a canon 7d dont get this issue at all. The patten appears in all the images in the same place. only on the 1d camera

You seem to have a lot of trouble with your gear which leads me to think operator eror too. Your settings don't make sense if it's bright & sunny. Were you using a lens hood? stray light may cause those patterns. Reflections could too. Post the full EXIF for those 3 photos, along with where the sun was in relation to the angle of your lens, hood or not, things which could cause reflections etc.

"A skill is developed through constant practice with a passion to improve, not bought."

A few more questions. Is the sensor clean? You'll need a bright light & at least 4X magnifier to check. Is it a Canon TC or 3rd party? Do you have a filter on the lens? Troubleshooting is a lengthy process & there are a lot of variables. 

"A skill is developed through constant practice with a passion to improve, not bought."

@paulbrogden10 wrote:

sorry waddizzle you dont know what your on about. their is a patten in the image exposure has nothing to do with it. I also use a canon 7d dont get this issue at all. The patten appears in all the images in the same place. only on the 1d camera

Yes, there is a pattern.  Hopefully, it is just a dirty sensor.  But, it looks a bit too "man made" to be random smears or dirt.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

some one has suggested on another site i am on dpreview 


(I wonder if the sensor has been damaged by improper cleaning...  It is possible that the previous owner used an abrasive solution, judging by the long streaks. I don't see what it could be other than a sensor surface issue.)


First you need to try with different lenses and with and without the 1.4x to eliminate possibilities.  If this happens with different lenses then it would suggest problem with either the shutter or the sensor.


I'd inspect the sensor to see if there are obvious scratches to dirt smudges but I think it might be the lens or lens mount problem...too hard to tell by just looking at the images.


By the way, did you purposely underexpose the pictures you posted?  They are badly underexposed...if you didn't do it on purpose then the intensity on your monitor is too need to decrease it by maybe two or three stops.

Diverhank's photos on Flickr

Exif data are already embedded.

The pattern seems to have the same movment as a canon shutter. Check yourself at youtube and canon shutter.



Been testing the lens more and even when i take off a filter and clean the lens and teleconverter which is a canon one it still produces the same results I tried my 70-200 but could not tell. But as soon as i put my sigma 150-600 it produces the same results.  I tried to see the sensor but can not tell. see example below 150-600mm around 357mm f8 iso 400undefined
