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FV mode tool tip/reminder message pop up every time EOS R8 is turned on


Hello. I have a canon R8, and one thing that is starting to drive me nuts is whenever I’m in Fv mode and I turn on the camera, I get a little pop up tool tip message that obscures the top middle of the screen which displays “down button to reset tv/av/exp comp/iso”. And sometimes after that message disappears, it displays “rear dial to change modes”. Is there an option to turn these reminders off? 



That’s a new one.  The R Series bodies seem to have a gaggle of gadget messages.  If I leave the lens cap off the lens of my R6M2 when I turn it off, then I get a message on the rear LCD that reminds me to put the lens cap back on the lens.

Canon cameras can have a “Mode Guide” or a “Feature Guide”.  They are probably in the Wrench menus somewhere.  Try disabling them.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."


You should be able to get rid of that by turning off "Mode guide". Go to "Wrench 2" menu (yellow) per page 739 of the advanced manual 🙂


Unfortunately I already disabled those when I first got the camera. This appears to be something else. 

Mode guide and feature guide are already set to off unfortunately. 


What shooting mode are you using?  Does this happen in the Creative Modes, too?

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

This only happens in Fv mode as far as I know. I’m guessing it’s just to remind the user how to use this somewhat unintuitive shooting mode. The reminder overlay is somewhat unobtrusive; I just don’t really need to see it every time I turn on the camera because I already know how to move from shutter to aperture to exp comp etc  and what button resets  them to auto.   


I noticed when I change the down button in customized buttons to something other than "All Auto" then the reminder overlay at startup for "down to reset tv/av/exp comp/iso" no longer displays. The "back dial to change settings" reminder overlay at startup still remains. 

This overlay is a minor minor nuisance, but it's another weirdness of Fv mode that makes me want to switch back just cycling through the Av, Tv, and M modes. I'll be honest, I'm in aperture priority most of the time anyway. 

What I find most weird with Fv mode is when you switch the camera to Movie mode, you can't change the aperture or shutter, so you have to switch to another mode anyway.
