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Electronic first curtain shutter on 5D Mark IV

Rising Star

Does the 5D Mark IV us electronic first curtain shutter in live view in normal mode or only in silent shooting mode? Can anyone point me to a reference that explains when EFCS is used? There is nothing in the manual. Thanks.




Excerpt from the above link:


The focal-plane shutter in a D-SLR has two curtains, one of which covers the sensor. At exposures above the camera’s maximum flash synchronization speed (let’s use 1/500 second for example) the first curtain moves across the sensor, followed a few milliseconds later by the second curtain. This creates a gap between the two curtains. It is this gap traveling across the sensor that exposes the sensor to light.

When the shutter is at or slower than its maximum sync speed, however, the first curtain will travel completely across the sensor before the second curtain closes behind it. The instant between when the sensor is completely uncovered but before the second curtain starts to close is when the camera triggers the flash unit.”


Check the Canon Digital Learning Center for more articles.  From the above, I would conclude that the first curtain shutter is definitely used in normal mode.  In lieu of better infor, only testing can confirm or deny this for silent mode.  


[EDIT]. I never take photos in LV mode.  I use it to manually focus, but shut it down to take a photo using the viewfinder.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."


@Bazsl wrote:

Does the 5D Mark IV us electronic first curtain shutter in live view in normal mode or only in silent shooting mode? Can anyone point me to a reference that explains when EFCS is used? There is nothing in the manual. Thanks.

All most all Canon dSLRs are capable of EFCS in Liveview. 


See your manual on how to activate it.

Thanks TTMartin. I have searched the PDF version of my 5D Mark IV manual for the terms "EFCS" and "electronic first" and neither occurs anywhere in the manual. What should I search for to learn how to activate EFCS in live view?

@Bazsl wrote:

Thanks TTMartin. I have searched the PDF version of my 5D Mark IV manual for the terms "EFCS" and "electronic first" and neither occurs anywhere in the manual. What should I search for to learn how to activate EFCS in live view?

I believe it is Mode 1 silent shutter.

It finally occurred to me that there is an easy way to tell if EFCS is used. Set the camera to manual mode with a shutter speed of two seconds. Remove the lens. Put the camera in live view and look at the sensor. Press the shutter release. When I do this the shutter remains open with the sensor exposed when I press the shutter release. Two seconds later the shutter closes then reopens. This happens in both single shot and silent single shot drive modes so both modes use EFCS.
