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EOS R6 - IBIS running even when CAMERA is turned OFF


Hi everyone,


I've had my EOS R6 for about a month now and absolutely love it. However, quite often, I will hear the shutter curtain spontaneously activate when my camera is turned off and just sitting on the tripod nearby, I figured it was just going into some super sleep mode after a few hours of inactivity.


However, I pulled my camera out of my bag this morning and the IBIS was running and chattering away. I figured I'd left the camera turned on by accident. However, the camera was well and truly turned OFF.


I turned it on, set the IS on the 24-105 to OFF and confirmed the IBIS  also stopped. Turned IS back on, turned CAMERA back OFF and IS stopped properly.


My battery was almost flat from running the IBIS in my bag for a day.


Am worried what sort of strain this might put on the mechanics of the IBIS. But don't want to have to keep taking batteries out every time I turn the camera off.


Is this normal or do I have a gremlin?






I'll try airplane mode also. I guess this could be user error, but like you, my expectation is that Off means Off. Regardless of network settings. 

This thread is old.  Please start a new thread for your issue.  This will put your explanation of YOUR problem at the top of the thread, so that it can get the attention that it deserves.

BTW, we have learned a lot since this thread first began.  Third party RF-EF mount adapters seem to be the main issue.  Also, cheap imported lenses made for the RF mount also cause similar issues.

Lastly, just because a lens is made for the EF mount does not mean it will function correctly on an RF mount camera with a mount adapter.

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