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EOS 5D Mark IV "busy" error when tethered to capture one


Hi all. When I tether my Canon EOS 5D Mark IV to Capture One, after shooting a few photos, the camera stops shooting and displays a blinking "busy" error. I usually need to turn the camera on and off a few times to start shooting again, and sometimes it takes a long time. 


I appreciate your help. 


Product Expert
Product Expert

Hello Mah1,

While we are unable to troubleshoot third-party software like the Capture One software, there are a few things to check. Are you set to have the images save to the memory card in the camera? The "Busy" message could be an indication that the camera is still trying to write the files to the memory card. You can try a different card to resolve this or format the card in the camera that you are currently using. ? When the card is formatted, all images and data on the card will be erased. Even protected images will be erased, so make sure there is nothing you need to keep. If necessary, transfer the images and data to a computer, etc., before formatting the card. Secondly, I would ask that you make sure the camera is connected directly to the computer via USB, not a hub or anything of that nature. Lastly, you can try a separate USB cable to see if that helps resolve the issue.

Thanks for the reply. I only save the photos in Capture One, not on the camera card. I tried different USB cables, but it didn't help. When I disconnect from Capture One, the camera works normally and the "busy" error stops flashing. 


 have the same thing happening. it's very frustating and looks so unprofessional on jobs
