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Delete Old WIFI Computer Connection


Have a 6D2 and have used the WiFi function for several years to transfer images to my desktop (an iMac).  That iMac was recently replaced with a MacBook Air (M1).  I added the Air with no problem and that connection functions perfectly.


However, my old iMac still shows up on the camera's screen, along with the Air, as an availlable connection.  How do I delete that connection?


I have looked through the maual and can't seem to find anything about this process.


Thanks in advance!!




Livin' in the Great Northwest!!
Canon 6D Mk II, 24-105 f4, 70-200 f4


When you first enter the Wireless Communication Settings submenu, there is an option to "Clear All Settings" at the bottom of the screen.  

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

Hmmmm, that clears all the settings and I'd have to re-add in the new Air and my phone.


Thanks ... that's more info than my manual has!!




Livin' in the Great Northwest!!
Canon 6D Mk II, 24-105 f4, 70-200 f4

Well ... I finally figured it out ... and it's not necessarily "clear."

As I poked around, on the screen where the connections are listed, there's an arrow on the right side of the screen. That goes to the page to ADD a device. Turns out under the add computer sub-menu, is a listing of the current connections. There's also an option to edit settings. Hidden there is the option to delete one of the computers!!

OK ... let's see ... we go to ADD computer, Edit and then there's the option to delete!! Not so very clearcut!!

Thanks for looking.

Livin' in the Great Northwest!!
Canon 6D Mk II, 24-105 f4, 70-200 f4

@kenstjohn wrote:
Well ... I finally figured it out ... and it's not necessarily "clear."

OK ... let's see ... we go to ADD computer, Edit and then there's the option to delete!! Not so very clearcut!!


Sounds a little like Windows PCs from a few years ago. If you wanted to shut off your computer, the first thing you did was click the "START" button. Robot Frustrated But of course the process soon became second nature. Robot wink
