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Connecting M50 to cell phone


Serious problem!

Tried to connect m50 to cell phone. M50 MAC Address different from my cell phone MAC Address.

Camera Connect is installed on cell phone, no updates from google play.

It seems that the m50 creates its own wi fi network which has no internet access. But my phone has internet access.

Tried 6 times but got the same results each time but m50 generated a new wi fi "network" on each try and the MAC address was different from my cell phone. I don't know if this is even relevant to the problem.

Is there any settings in m50 to correct this, if so couldn't find it...

How to solve the problem of connecting m50 to cell phone. Does anyone know how to resolve this?  



Are you able to connect using Bluetooth?

Using a W-Fi connection isn’t the land of milk and honey that many users expect it to be.  That’s because it isn’t very fast, and it doesn’t mean your camera is fully networkable.  It is almost as if the cameras use Wi-Fi communication merely as a longer range version of Bluetooth.

However, establishing a Bluetooth connection can automate the Wi-Fi connection process.  

You have also noticed the problem with using Wi-Fi with smart devices that have phone service.  The phone can “roam”, and reconnect to a Wi-Fi network with an internet connection.  Many phones hace a setting to prevent this from happening.  

Of course, smart devices without phone service do not roam.  One work around is to connect both phone and camera to the same Wi-Fi access point, one with an internet connection, instead of using a hotspot connection without internet service.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

Thanks, Waddizzle (VIP). 

After posting I went to "google it" and I inadvertantly ran into a utube video by a person with, I think, an Australian accent. I followed his video step by stopable step and lo and behold I got totally connected.

Started by bluetooth connection then to wifi.

I did not have the faintest idea how to do that, bluetooth was NEVER EVER mentioned in all the searches I did, you were the first, in your response to mention bluetooth (other than the the youtuber).

The "official" Canon video with the woman never worked for me. Nor other video's tried.

So I am beholden to that genius of a utuber for helping.

Again, thanks for responding.
