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Canon rebel t6i isn't showing phone when connected

My phone will connect to my camera but says that i have to check camera settings to connect. I have reset the wi-fi settings multiple times and retried. My phone connected to my camera once and wouldn't reconnect after that.

I don't believe it's because you're upset is the reason they aren't responding maybe try to create a new post i hope you find your solution!

I called Canon. Told them the problem. No help as yet. Guess I have a $1000 paper-weight in the meantime.

Not confused at all.

A paper weight because *one* of the many options you have to get pictures off the camera does not work?

I just tried the Canon app after the update and it won't recognize the connection now.  I uninstalled and reinstalled, and no difference.  I then had it forget the camera's wifi network, and it's now asking for the password again which I can't find.


i just downloaded pictures to my iPhone using a card reader since I can't get the app to work at all.  Not impressed with this update since it makes the app unusable.  I am running the latest version of IOS on an iPhone 6+

Okay, I just got it to work.  Here's what I did:


1.  Uninstall and reinstall the Canon app.

2.  Have your phone forget the Canon network.

3.  On the wifi menu of the camera, reset the wifi settings.  This will bring you back to the initial setup with the pass code.

4.  Let your iPhone find the network and enter the camera's code when prompted for the password.

5.  Open the app.  The app will list the camera.  Select it and let it connect.

6.  Everything should start working again at this point.

Done this three times. Didn't help my issue. My phone and camera are connecting without issue. It will let me use the remote shutter feature and I can see through my camera's lens on my phone--- it won't let me see pics on my camera nor, of course, download them to my phone.

Odd. All my functions were restored after I did the complete reset. Have you tried a different SD card as well?

No I only have one SD card. The one with my photos on it. The last version of this app had no problem reading my SD card.

Appreciate your help. I'm just really, I'll say: upset, about the situation. 2 days ago my camera communicated with my phone with ease -now it doesn't. I'm beside myself that this new app doesn't work. I'm beside mysel that they don't allow us to go back to the version that worked with no issue (I asked).

For the record, I reset wifi and reinstalled the app for the 4th time this morning hoping for a miracle. No miracle.