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Canon Rebel T6 (Red light flashing in lower right corner)


Hello, I am very new here and not sure where to ask or who to ask. I'm also a very new photographer. My camera battery is fully charged but when it's on and I'm trying to take pictures the light will flash in the lower right corner. I'm scared my camera is broken. 😞 please help!! 



@RandomHero wrote:

Hello, I am very new here and not sure where to ask or who to ask. I'm also a very new photographer. My camera battery is fully charged but when it's on and I'm trying to take pictures the light will flash in the lower right corner. I'm scared my camera is broken. 😞 please help!! 

Do you have a copy of the FULL instruction manual?

The red light usually means the camera is accessing the memory card, for whatever reason.  Make sure that you use a name brand memory card, like Lexar or Sandisk.  Use a full size memory card, not a micro-SD card with an adapter.  Finally, make sure that you go into the camera menus and perform a "low level format" on the memory card.

"Enjoying photography since 1972."

Thank you for your reply. I am using a Lexar memory card, 64GB. It also flashes red whenever I go through my pictures. I'll try going into the card settings to perform a low level format. I also have the manual book the camera came with, and I tried downloading the full manual on my computer but I don't think it worked. I can't find it anywhere. Thanks for all your help!!

@RandomHero wrote:
Thank you for your reply. I am using a Lexar memory card, 64GB. It also flashes red whenever I go through my pictures. I'll try going into the card settings to perform a low level format. I also have the manual book the camera came with, and I tried downloading the full manual on my computer but I don't think it worked. I can't find it anywhere. Thanks for all your help!!

It looks to me like it's performing normally.  As Waddizzle had stated, the red light indicates that the camera is accessing the memory card (either read from or write to it).


Many of the available options - such as noise reduction (such as long term exposure and high ISO) - when set, wll exacerbate the length of time the memory card is accessed.  This is fine if you don't shoot many pictures back to back (like in high speed shooting).  If this bothers you (which obviously it did since you posted this), I'd recommend disabling these options (one by one until the red light stops being excessively long).  I turn all of these off on mine...they slow the camera down without providing me significant benefit.

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